The Heiress' Returns
knows Javier's opinion of Lynn isn't exactly in the highest regards and everything might come out wrong and set her off more than now. I took a deep heavy sigh and decided to turn and face Tyra my big sister and dreaded every thing that we just showed up after nine ye
sign when it happens. I shake my head and reply " Ok, Ok Queenie ... Can you please take a deep breath and let me finish and explain the major parts that we know and when you see them, they can be the ones to go into details. Brandon and Eric did graduate high school, and both are going to college. Brandon as you is in his Junior year and Eric is in his freshman year. Mainly, because Brandon was twelve years old and Eric was ten years old when you left. Well, when you left Lynn got super upset and started blaming dad for everything from how independent and what she called (disobedient) you were, from Javier for having the wrong friends and not what she considered a proper education, to Steven for being friends with dad because you know they grew up together. And Steve was to be partially blamed because he always supported your relationship with dad and helped to keep your routine normal even when you were with her. Any way, about a year after you left. Lynn ha
guilty for just showing and doing this. And, NO I don't Blame Tyra for leaving and trying to figure herself out. I mean most sixteen-year-olds don't grow up with half the pressure and responsibility that she had thrown on her since she was four years old. Normal teenagers run away just because they don't like the rules their parents have. She ran because she felt she didn't even know her own self. She only knew who Lynn and TJ wanted her to be. I mean let me say something, wouldn't you run away if you had people demanding that you follow two completely different paths? Wouldn't you run away if all you knew was doing everything you were told by two