Tyra runs away at 14 and thinks that she can escape all the responsibilities and family drama behind. But can she really? or will she have to go back and clean up every ones mess and take over the family business and figure out how to get it on the right track. Or will she keep running and deny everything.
Welcome, My name is Tyra James and I'm twenty four years old . I currently live in a little off the beat town in Florida . the population of this town is literally less 800 and it has been my hiding place and sanctuary from everything until today. Why until today you might as while that's because my family and my past have now manage to find me and figure out where I live and where I work land even where I hang out in my off time and who I hang with. to be completely honest it is annoying and completely aggrivating but I think deep down I knew I wouldn't be able to run forever.
I wish I could but of that is something that definitely Won't happen for me.
So, you might be wondering why I say I have been running and hiding and why I'm annoyed that my family found me . Well, here's the thing I'm gonna go ahead and give some back ground and you can decide how you would feel if you were in my shoe's. My entire life and I mean my ENTIRE life my parents have been divorced. They were completely done with each other and moving on three weeks after they got married which was right before my mom found out she was pregnant with me. Now, I'm telling you this to help you understand my delimma later on. Anyway, spent most of my life traveling back and forth between my parents. Half the year with one and the other Half the year with the other and Holidays we kind of just combined both. Now, in normal circumstances this wouldn't be to big of an issue with most people . But, here is where mine differs. Mom ( lynn) is a normal lived from paycheck to paycheck, youngest child out of four, only girl out four, single family home with big yard , white picket fence , cats and dogs family. My dad (TJ) is SSOOO NOT any of that . He grew up in South Florida being groomed to take over the family business which is a Club. Don't get me wrong . They dont do the whole drug trafficing, illegal stuff, or guns trafficing. But they do help out with situations with clubs that do that kind of stuff to stop them or get people out, or they help with abuse and domestic abuse and that kind of thing and they run a lot of businesses from mechanic and welding shops to car dealer ships and lawyer offices and bars and bowling alleys and a bunch of different things in between. Now, my point is he was groomed his whole life to take over all of this . Mainly because he was the oldest. Well, Unfortunately for me I'm his only biologically child and I'm girl. Which means I was trained in all forms of martial arts and weapons from a gun to even a sword . But I love my daggers the best. Umm... anyway not the point . My mom wasn't happy about me being trained but decided it was necessary because even though the club runs legally and tries to stay out of trouble . It still attracts trouble and enemies because of what they do focus on. My mom kind of wanted to raise me like she did he other child my brother Shane whos is younger by three years and he is completely niave, sheltered and oblivious and TJ decided that was not the life for me . Being like that could cause me more harm then good. So, you see my mom would pull the kids need to be protected and let to grow on their cards . Where TJ pulled the whole they can be protected and grow but they need to be able to protect themselves when requires . Because the adults aren't always gonna be there to protect them . So, they need a little extra help from themselves cards. And my mom slowly decided that was a good idea after the first kidnapping attemp to south carolina happened to me at the lovely age of six.
Any how, about nine year ago I decided that I wasn't sure what I wanted except to figure out what I felt was best for me. I couldn't take the arguing and the pulling from both sides and the demands from both sides . So, I did what any normal teenager would do who felt like they were suffocating and reaching a breaking point . I ran and hide. Yes, Ladies and gentleman at the grown age of sixteen I took off. Now, how did I stay hidden this long you wonder while most of the training my dad gave me helped me do the hiding and most of the adapting and blending in with regular everyday people I learned from the time Ilived with my mom. So, you see they both equiped me with the tools I needed to survive and learn and to escape them without them even considering that might be a possibility. To bad that that has come to an end and now I have to decide to I run and Hide again even further away or make a decision that will completely throw everything I have built for myself right out the window . And, decide to throw myself back in to the fray and all the family drama that comes with it . Yay me !
The only good thing is that is happening right now is I get see my best friend Javier and my favorite adoptive brother Xaiver. mainly, because they are the ones who found me and came for me and now they are refusing to leave and forget that they found meor even seen me .Ugh, I love them the most but I kind of sort of hate them at the same time. I mean what's a girl to do. First, check out the current situation of what I might be walking back into for both home fronts and then reevaluate my current situation and here and see if running and hiding again is doable and then go from there I guess. Let's go find the boys I guess and see what they have to report. Hopefully , fingers crossed they will actually give me the truth, all of it and not just some , or they don't just try to kidnap me back instead
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 The Unanticipated Reunion
Chapter 3 Curiosity Kills the Cat (Tyra), More than She Bargained For.
Chapter 4 The Reality of the Situation.
Chapter 5 Lynn's Situation on The Other Side
Chapter 6 What Have I Done
Chapter 7 Tyra's Plan and Decision.
Chapter 8 Preparation's and Packing
Chapter 9 Preparation's and Packing part 2
Chapter 10 Getting Started
Chapter 11 Tour and Market
Chapter 12 The Blacksmith