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A Broken Contract (Alpha's Secret Regret)

Chapter 5 Jumbled feelings

Word Count: 1363    |    Released on: 12/03/2024


at me with such pain in her eyes. My heart clenched at the look, fuelin

devoted to her. Completely faithful

link from her. The Goddess binding me to her was the worst luck ever. How could

it when you said you love me? For a second there, I actual

cious quivering in my stomach and how my heart swel

felt. But after this bomb she just dropped,

use I wanted your money and

paid you well every time I was inside you, so maybe the money wa

in shame. "I've nev

tion is pointl

Instead of keeping it to herself till found out, she dared to say it out loud? If she expe

t it. And I don't need to tell you the lengths my family w

swer before adding, "My

ave, utterly outraged by her now. How could she be this desperate? I thought

r mate. I hate her for ruining what we had. The fact that I would

wished I didn't have to set eyes on her ever again. Turning back around

's sake, don't forget, the Non-disc

ing to hear whatever she had to say. There was no point. So I walked away, leav

to speak when I join

as that

business, Ri

asm. "It's the first time I've ever seen you say more

he had a thing for her at some point. It was just my luck that he

pite my disgust for the girl this minute, my ire seemed to rise over

It's a family matter. It's none of your business, so fucking

I got inside and Jake went around to take the wheel. We rode silently for

g, huh," Rich b

eg what?"

ed. Then bam! Got a text from Jason last night. You were kissing Meg in f

a deep sigh. "Not long and

push, than


ut that was generous. When I returned home the next day, there was no sign of Sara and

s still secretly recuperating after the accident. To my s

t to be connected to her at all. I wanted all of this to go away immediately. I

ces of running into each other on campus would be zero. I intend to ma

passed the bar, but he was going to very soon. As my most trusted friend, he would deal with the legalit

across the street as Jake settled i

the test result nearly got the better of me. I took a deep breath, assuring myse

he picked up the envelope s

her. Then she lifted her head and said something to Jake. I wan

e documents. Then she rose and stormed out of the caf

e off at the same time as my pho

y?" I asked the most m

She's not pregn


thought that's a goo

. I'm glad it's over.

t sound glad,

l finally be able to get

ke the cash,"

everything she ruined," I shrugged. "It's her business. I'm done. I

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