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A Broken Contract (Alpha's Secret Regret)

Chapter 3 Finality

Word Count: 1982    |    Released on: 10/03/2024

ife after his daughter was his job. He's the assistant h

th and has been very happy about life since I got into college. The male is as healthy as a horse. Many often ca

on't prevent me from silen

an omega, he was brought to the general room with other patient

sed before the d

ntle voice. "But we'll have to watch him f

so confused. My dad's the healthi

ck is not immune to life's un

's father. The formidable, proud male hasn't been the

ollapsed after seeing th

Meg's words about Nick telling

healthy heart," said the doctor. "But he's gonna

could've said to my dad. I swall

d awake on the bed with wires connecting his heart to a small m

anning the room half

from their neighbor. A nurse sits at a smal

s jacket on a thin

t leave yet. You had a he

urn it on," he orde

ked, reaching for the slim, wide-sc

ow me, so I took the initiative and laun

my e

art nearly gave out. The second message title read "Dissolution of Employment Co

om seeking help, either from humans or our kind. It's similar to what I sign

il, I saw that my father was being let go with nothing. We

s luna, Nick's mother. But how did she know? I've never whispered a word ab

attachments. I open them to find photos of Nick and I, kissing in the living room of our secret m

ther interrupted my thoughts. "So there'


ply. "I don't want any trouble with the luna and the pack, Sara. We

at the luna would pull some strings to revoke my scholarship, too. Like

. This immense disappointment that my dad feels right now or the pain of seeing my mat

ut the phone back and leave the room quietly to wait outside. Packing has


nside to look in on my dad, but I didn't go near him.

on as the castle comes into view, the first thing I see

f place among the fancy ones parked beside it. Its trunk was open, and someone was loading some stuff into it.

where we live. Someone has their eyes on me. From the prickling on my neck, I know

ses to give. I lower my gaze to take a close look, only to


ard and another omega coming towards me. The luna stands a few st

don't live here any

you mean

anymore. We've moved your things on the luna's o

e question

I started to go to her with my han

's silently telling me not to dare address her boss. The gua

re address th

closer to her on

beg you. My father was in the ER, he'll nee

she helped with the van is to keep it as quiet as possible. You think she'll a

daggers at me with her eyes. I truly wish she'd speak ou

as on the ground on all fours looking up at the luna with plea

be arrested and disgraced," the guard said. "Here's the key to the truck. Denise will go with you to retrieve it once you g

the floor in front of me and

tten us into. My father and I


n't know what else to do. The Denise girl is as confuse

e girl had been warned not to speak to me. Luna Reign wouldn't w

out for a forty-five-minute drive into the city. Within four hours, at nig

ck. Going in to see him is hard for now. I

bench for hours thin

dreams. The feeling is much like yesterday morning's,

r food poisoning when I've eat

stroll into the pharmacy to buy some drugs

to the kind doctor, her next questi

st time you ha

iately. My voice returns

I knew it was the stupidest question even

gnant. I didn't hear the docto

get a test kit," she said while scribbling on a piece of pa

bathroom, staring in horror at the two r

e was careful- We. We w

the bathroom do

een there for a while now."

recognize my voice.

uld be to kill myself a

kly pulled it out of my purse and my heart dropped further into my stomach.

re are you? We

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