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In the Arms of Morpheus

Chapter 5 Ch 5

Word Count: 1958    |    Released on: 04/01/2024

nd the grey sky cast a sinister shadow onto the trees which lines the path, filling them with creatures only the imagination could see. There were none of the park’s usual patrons in view; no jogg

evelled in t

was a child I had loved the rain. I used to sit by the window and watch it fall once I had given up asking my mother if I could play outside i

g to get sic

is hair was shorter than what it had been in the hospital but it was still a coal-black mess, dampened from the rain. Hi

torted, soundin

as if entranced. I tore my gaze from his to turn my face ba

life, my Callista. Not many people in this era find thems

my dream after all, but the fact that he called me “m

he hospital tod

n response and to

up! You’re bro

dream like an unwanted intrude

to go.” I squeeze

rush his lips softly o

e, my dearest.

developments which were being made in his department at the university. I stuck my head into the room and called a rough good morning to the two men in my life before I traipsed off to th

brother had been waiting for me to get up for half an hour. Breakfast and coffee in hand, I returned to the

ther’s voice filtered thro

piece of waffle in my mouth. I wished his camera was on so that I co

’re gone and no more partying all night, Niklos. I know you students and I know what happens to your grades when you’re left to your own devic

, my father headed out the front door. We could hear my mother from the kitchen muttering about being rushed and our farewells echoed after her as she yanked her han

era on.” I informed Niklos, leaning back in

ade bed lay in a jumble with dirty socks and other various paraphernalia. It was no surprise that he had told my parents that his laptop’s camera was broken. If they had seen the pig

kicking various items of garbage out of his way. As my brother mo

do?” I was too horrifie

g his temples were patterns of flames which had been shaved to reveal his scalp. He loo

lage idiot. “I had a choice between my name, zigzags or fla

il tears streamed down my cheeks and I struggled to pull m

all? You look as if you’re meant to b

oint Cal. I loo

burst his bubble anymore than I already had. Luckily

rderer or one of my ex-girlfr

, I peeped through the peephole. I could barely make out Kayla as she paced back and forth on the doorstep. It

e and needs some advice on his new ha

pale cheeks and her clothing was creased and didn’t match; all signs that there was something seriously wrong. I sent her to go and chat wit

t on earth h

ashion sense. My intuitive brother took it all with a pinch of salt

and took our hot chocolate to my bedroom so that I could change out of my pyjamas. Kay

ht, sp

up in her eyes once more as she

e, Callie. I don’t kno

bad, nothing ever really

lace her in any trouble so I automaticall

ousin’s party. He was so sweet and charming, and we ended up spending most of the week together. But then he started changing, demanding things that I refus

lood drain f

u had a fling wi

his twenties. Kayla always went for the older guys claim

starting anything up with him again but he pushed me up against the door. I punched him, like how Nik taught us to punch, and he got angry again. He said that unles

d to speak. Instead I gave her a hug w

jerk! He’s blackmailing a school girl! That alone shows you what type of man he is. I think we need t

knowing as well as I did that Violet

p and go to the restaurant. I’m meant to be working and I think you’ve held ou

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