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In the Arms of Morpheus

Chapter 3 Ch 3

Word Count: 1286    |    Released on: 04/01/2024

other project for Kayla although she would probably have more luck with him than she’s had with me. His broody silence made him a wildc

et smiled at us

let teased, stealing the piece of chocola

on my arm. "And I have

old them the story, ending in how I had f

." Robert's German heritag

t from the jocks and cheerleaders if I had let him

ably be strung up like a piñata and be

h the planning of this year's haunted house so we're meeting tomorrow. It’s going to be awesome

asm when it came to planning the blood a

m my home town - my family will be celebrating their legacy." in one rathe

he ice with a comment on how great it was that the Holocaust victims would be r

e hospital as volunteers so hopefully we can start

ded b

estaurant this afternoon, b

ted – being underage – but that didn’t stop us from fantasising about it. It was supposed to be this grand affair. Kay and I had often watched her mother get rea

Ricky after I had left him with the nurse. I was rather glad. He’s probably find a way to

taurant's delivery van (shoot me now) and was

low you up?" she demanded, more angry with Mr Porter than she was wit

. We pulled up outside Aphrodite's Haven, the restaurant my parents had owned and run since before my birth, and I made my way to t

u that he misses you and will have to organize a skype chat soon." he g

ird child, Stella had an excuse to be constantly tired however, no matter how tired she was, she refused to not b

to have to take her place. I'll just sit here and chop veggies and whatever else comes my way.

ld embroidery in patters symbolic of ancient Greece, something which my father insisted on to bring the feel of Greece into the restaurant. The

ay to Carmel to get away from the bustling cities of California. As always, there were the few diners who were ignorant enough to be

ther and his little sister. I was just glad that I didn't have to serve them tonight. My good deed for the day had given me nothing but trouble. I had been verbally and physically


e face to face with the

al while attempting to suppress an urge to

s your fault and all that. I know you did it so I wouldn't get kicked off the team , Nurse said so, s

o the gauze ban

ell me you had

orse on his fac

rn, I can't even

gan to turn around and head ba


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as he walked back

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