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In the Arms of Morpheus

Chapter 2 Ch2

Word Count: 1728    |    Released on: 04/01/2024

room was the complete opposite of mine, almost sterile in its cleanliness without a single item out of place. Anyone who walked into her room would believe that she had OCD... until you walked in

p raise her granddaughter after her husband tragically died of cancer, something which she was still pretty sensitive about (who could blame her?). Niklos had always maintained that Nana had filled the empty vo

r hand. "If only Chuck were real, I swear I wo

ound it made. "Kay, if he ran away from you you'd probably chain him to your

riend at best, probably why she hadn’t had a boyfriend in months. I wasn’t about to tell her m

I found out when he cheated on me with his new Biology partner. Ever since, I hadn’t been

dly from my school bag on the floor. "Hi ma

time we'll be back. I left food from the restaurant in the fridge for you, but there should be more than enou

f independence? Well independence as lon

venience first." I replied (mother had trained m

s fine. I

oo mama. Enjo

wing that she was barely holdi

love you too mama."

ell off of the bed. Still laughing she chucked it back at me, crouching on the floor and using furniture as a

legless.” I informed her, n

e 1,

ing pillow fight, but we still clutched our

led in unison, st

st. She grinned at the two of us and picked up the stray pillow, throwing it

onally, I think she really didn’t care what we did as lo

not being there on her sixteenth birthday, and drove the few blocks to the relic which was my home. My mother's roses were in full bloom so I picked one for Nana; a deep red one with a touch of pink in the tip of each petal. I stuck it in a glass of water and made

ached puberty, not that I could blame her. My brother was extremely good-looking and alluring to the female kind. At six-foot-three he was guaranteed to be taller than every woman he came across but he wasn't the tall, stringy type, the g

put up with him yet?" Kayla probed, setting the letter bac

ast time I spoke to him he had said that all he's been doing is playing soccer with the locals and attending classes. When I asked if he had found anyone

ered with guys who look just like him so there's not

my cupboard. "I swear I'm going to burn all of your jeans at some stage.

into my overnight bag. I gathered the last few essentials before

he piles of mathematics homework we had been subjected

will be a reason for us to go to English now." I co

I've seen better." Kayl

hoping to get some more information th

strange feeling about him. What do you t

ent with it. Kayla wasn't the type of person you pushed f

e who really knows about life and death for me to consult.

es. "I have an idea! We can ask my dad if he c

community service hours while we're at it, but the hospital are apparently rather sticky about who t

tly, but at least we get to get our assignment done. And the

nty hours of community service before we graduated. It was their attempt to make sure that we gave back to the com

d if you can get

a way for me to spend some time with him and mom. It will also give me a chance to experience what wo

w her where her path lay. Design was her life and she wou

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