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Tempting The Detective

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1055    |    Released on: 13/10/2023

since she'd been at that damn station. She’d been in shock, so much so that it hadn’t occurred to her to call anyone. When she returned home from the police station, it was t

e messages already. What was one more? She’d phone them back once she’d made all the funeral arrangements. T

ever actually discussed his wishes regarding a funeral, Vanessa suspected he’d prefer something elegant and tasteful, as be

er hair. Then she sat at her vanity and expertly applied her makeup, keeping it basic. That done, she chose a simple navy shirtdress and navy flats. After she’d married Christopher, he’d overhauled her entire w

ock himself would be meeting with her. He’d been very solicitous on the phone. Of course, he understood the media attention Chris

cousins. As far as she knew, that would be it. Christopher didn't have any friends who weren’t tied to hi

at the funeral home and parked, Jeremy himself opened the ornate double front doors and ushered them inside. His entire demeanor manage

held and helped Jeremy write the obituary. For this, she’d done some online searching, using a lot of the b

d took her elbow. Then he walked her past the main showroom, into a smaller and more exclusive one in the back. Here there were only

ech, apparently made of stainless steel or some other kind of polished metal. An

d pewter finishes, she knew it most closely matched Christopher'

refused to attend any church. Only when he’d begun the process of looking into running for governor had he reluctantly selected a church on the advice of his sponsors. He’d chosen something the polar

ring his throat, he slid an invoice across the ta

as supposed to cost. Removing her checkbook from her purse, she checked

he said, handing

o a thick fog. Blinking back a threat of sudden tears, she shook her head. Safer, much safer, to retreat back into the soft gray distance where nothing cou

forehead creased in concern. “There s

d the back of her neck

onically run the check,

e stared at

appears there are

e checkbook and opened it to the ledger. “See?” She pointed. “H

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