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Tempting The Detective

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1048    |    Released on: 13/10/2023

very good at his job. He was a tall man. Larger than life as some people would describe, handsome as si

also been taken out. There was blood all over his home office where the murder had occurred, and the murder weapon had been missing. But th


he last person he'd spoken to before he died. After listening to the recording

. She'd had a perfect body, long dark hair, beautiful face and big dark, innocent looking eyes behind her glasses, but Alaric ha

couldn't see him through the glass, but he was sure she knew she was being watched. She looke

nd most women loved men who could spend on them. They didn't care what kind of person he was, as long as he could pay their bills and spend heavily on them. Vanessa Spencer no doubt could be one of

the room and Alaric turned his attenti

did it?" Paul asked

or sure right now until we talk to her. If she did it, there had to

he frowned at the two men. "What is the meaning of this?" she

told her, "We just brought

lifting her hands so they could see her still cuffed hands. “

y were less cold without the glass barrier between them and the world. The skin around her eyes was free from wrinkles, and her lashes were thick, incredibly long. He leaned back, his gaze searching her face.

he said finally, but he didn't look sorry

minal to get those answers? My husb

laric compl

p on my doorstep. Now, not only did you tell me about this in the worst way possible, you accuse me of bein

aric didn't. He stood, towering above her while

alantly, "But we're going to get to the bottom of this cas

r hand paid attention to him. He walked purposely and gracefully, she had to give him that, but he had terrible peo

Do you wrists hurt?"

u think?" s

set you are about your husband's death, but according to what we know, you two have been separated for abo

ut that doesn't mean I wan

iled for divorce weeks ago. Care to

but Christopher wouldn't

did he re

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