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Tempting The Detective

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1044    |    Released on: 13/10/2023

ldn't sign the papers, then you're very wrong indeed. I was pissed that he was delaying things, but I

you…." Alaric cut in, "I've seen people

e she actually wanted to. An emotional reaction in this situation wasn't

e asked, "I would ne

ids. You've been separated for a year. You even moved out and rented an apartment. From what I know, the marriage wasn't a rosy one. Weeks ago, you handed him divorce papers which he refuse

kill Christopher. We were seperated and I asked for a divorce, but we were not enemies. You've got the wrong pers

She held his gaze stubbornly, until he blinked, then withdrew som

her call that aftern

e been separated for a year already and I think it's time to put an end to this whole thing. Sign those papers, or you

oing to do Vanessa? For

moment and said, "That last part…. Care t

ming from Christopher, and it would be even more difficult to convince them that it meant nothing. Christopher had a way of throwing words around c

f this, Mrs Spencer. You say you had nothing to do with his deat

her and I don't know who did. Like you said, we were separated and we're not even living together. Now, I'm tired and I'd like to go home. I'm done answering your questions. I know my

was right. Apart from the recording, they had

ut he didn't care. He shouldn't care. He was simply doing his job and he had no time f

w that we'll be keeping in touch. Please don't make any travels because we

ver," Vaness


t she felt strongly that, at the very least, she owed Christopher this. She’d realized shortly after they’d married that she hadn’t loved him, probably at the same time that he’d told her he’d married her for political reasons. A man needed a wife and a fam

didn't want to call back. At least not at the moment, she fel

bout what her life would be like without him in it. Even though he’d flatly refused her request for a divorce and tried to make things unnecessari

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