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Whispers Across Time

Chapter 4 Unraveling The Compass

Word Count: 793    |    Released on: 07/09/2023

ng of the Time Traveler's Compass under Eli's patient guidance. She had grown accustomed to the

riah turned her attention to the compass. It rested in her palm, its intricate engravings

ing to decipher its engravings and understand its true power. There's someth

d its origins are indeed tied to a civilization that possessed a unique mastery of temporal knowledge. They left beh

lues, Eli. I believe they are the key to not only confronting

lve into the mysteries of the compass together. We shall start

ngs. They pored over each symbol and line, comparing them to the historical records and texts that So

at had crafted the compass. She could sense their dedication to preserving t

e noticed a recurring pattern in the engravings, a sequence of symbols that seemed to repea

this is a sequence that activates a specific time jump. It's as if the co

be onto something, Soriah. Let's work on decip

h felt a rush of energy, and the mists of the realm between times swirled around her. When the light

ved. It was the courtyard of an ancient castle, a place

cal moment!" Soriah exclaimed, her voice f

ompass, the ability to access precise moments in history. But we mus

pivotal event—a royal ball celebrating the union of two noble houses. The courtyar

g in the grandeur of the event. It was a moment frozen in time,

ded cloak, eerily reminiscent of The Temporal Thief, moved through the guests w

ed. "We need to find out what The Temporal Thief is doing here a

igure. "Agreed, Soriah. We must follow the

ent corridors of the ancient castle. Little did they know that this encounter would bring them clo

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