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Whispers Across Time

Chapter 2 A Glimpse Of The Past

Word Count: 643    |    Released on: 07/09/2023

instrels, and the jousting tournaments that took place in the town square. Each day brought new disco

flickering glow, Soriah found herself drawn to a humble tavern. Its wooden sign creake

r table, hoping to blend in and listen to the tales and rumors of the time. As she

ming wedding?" "They say the blacksmith'

eologist had taught her to be a careful observer, and she knew that even the smalle

was a man whose face was concealed by a hooded cloak. His eyes darted aro

recognized the figure. It was The Temporal Thief, the enigmatic a

emed to hesitate for a moment before approaching the bar, his back turned to S

y scraped against the tavern floor, drawing the attention of the patro

uick, graceful movement, the thief turned and bolted toward the tavern's exit. Soria

g streets of the medieval town. Soriah pursued, her breath coming in ra

er a meandering river, and into a moonlit forest. The thief was fast, and

ered off the path and vanished into thin air. Soriah skidded to a sto

ad disappeared. She reached out a trembling hand and felt a strange, tinglin

nd found herself in a place unlike any she had seen before. It was

. In this enigmatic realm, she would need all her wits and the power of the Time Traveler's Compass to unravel

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