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Whispers Across Time

Chapter 3 Meeting A Time Traveler

Word Count: 739    |    Released on: 07/09/2023

g mists, her heart pounding, and the Time Traveler's Compass clutched tightly in her hand. The sensatio

being watched. The mists seemed to coalesce into strange, half-formed shapes, and distant

" Soriah wondered aloud, her voice barely

nce of the realm. It was a man in his late thirties, dressed in anachronistic clothing that seemed to

e had not expected to encounter a

r voice trembling with a mix

You may call me Eli. I am a trav

in astonishment. "You'

crossroads for longer than I can remember, and I h

ow about the Time Traveler's Compass? And have yo

figure who has eluded many of us time travelers. They possess a

they always slip away. I need to understand their

peril, and the path ahead is treacherous. But if you seek to confront T

lms, and the ethical dilemmas that came with the power to alter history. His words resonated with her, and

l town and her pursuit of The Temporal Thief. Eli listened with empathy and offered g

each choice, creates ripples that echo throughout history. Your journey is not just a

ew that her encounter with Eli was not a coincidence; he was a mentor

r temporal leaps and access specific moments in history. She practiced manipulating the compass's eng

ering its secrets and encountering other time travelers along the way. They formed a small c

ed the responsibilities that came with their powers. They shared stories of their encoun

onting The Temporal Thief and unraveling the mysteries of the compass. With Eli and h

behind, and their own agenda was nearing a pivotal mom

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