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Married To My Brother's Girlfriend

Chapter 4 Marriage

Word Count: 1397    |    Released on: 11/08/2023

n't satisfied. All his hopes was now shuttered by the fac

to accept her Fung placed her han

d watch her dream to be the future Mrs Lin

took her to

ung Gr

a tight spot as Mr Chan i

much so l got my lawyers ready with a marriage contract where Juan

ng this news. This my sett


n . But in this case of pregnancy, her plan is not

dchild to have a complete family. Coung is a hot headed perso

left the father and son

you must ma

l can't

urs to bring her h


t dad

r customers watched them in amusement. Juan

is driving

se you that in the next 24 ho

imself seeing the pregnancy

ou da

g Lei's

g. As the male family they decided to buy the house for the new married c

journey to the house now of them just a word to each othe

irs whiles Wang Lei took the room downstairs. T

ther's body found it hard to even cop in her brother's

n . She was now in her brother's body ,, she

's room it was lock. Lei was sturtl

head felt like it has been hit by a rock. His chest was hard since wh

he had the


age wasn't on her mind and even if it was packs do not

a create look at Wang Lei. His ocean blue eyes where ju

well cr

making her way inside the room

room no need to a

relief. She sat on his king s

opping at a certain page. That page had t

poken to him . With her legs cro

at her neck. She carried a d

couple only in public. " Fen dropped the paper on th

g Hosp

ere still in the hospit

didn't know how to tell her aunty

e how are you"

eems tense as Mrs Wang felt

ouse to come to the hospit

re she died before brought to the hospital"

s said Lei died but he came back to

chair and walked out of the

upport as her vision be


eness. Knowing they wouldn't just forgive her she bro

rama infront of the Wang. She re

hree years ago , only this tw

e doctor said your grandchil

g slammed herse

the floor , she placed F

s smiling at her pl

g's apa

at was some years ago she moved out

, her elder brother choose to stay with

r after her mom left her dad brought in a new

could just forget their

epmom for destro

was already late, her morning sickness was wor

ened t

arms folded legs crossed.

inning honey

turning her attention to the othe

s to his nose bridge. He loo

let th

no time to say wha

e , he will get full custody of the baby immediately he or she

s take

give her kid aw

Coung said. A huge sm

han , sign here . Thi

lie. They even bro

n shaking a bit b


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