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Married To My Brother's Girlfriend

Chapter 2 Accident

Word Count: 2061    |    Released on: 11/08/2023

the thing the reporters are trying to state .


ated . That was all , the reporter kept

he next

ossible when were they

n driver . That her best friend and also her manage

s their favorite park in City Y . To the toys , swings literally everything got

was immediately sent to the hospital. They got to know sh

How could someone do

rapy to forget her trauma. Grandma made

g bird , she became the twins a

ven to her by Wang Park ,

a basketball park , spa, cinema room, 12 bathrooms, four

📦 , reporter always wished t

since it was in a scare area. Only few inve

n to confront her parents. Fung stayed back waiting for the dram

ut for her parents. The who

loon flew from the skies falling on the f

lined up like they a

ung Miss ' the maid's

guys to stop calling me that call me by

s no body wants to get

sorry You

t and as for you males you get a camera and a new phone " Wang Park said. She knew how the maid's adored her they w

them " a voice came

t and wonderful parents then who else voice would that me

the room with Wang Park

t her parents. It been 3 years since

uld be turning 50 in some months to come.

oks of her mom when sh

ied" Park questioned her parents. She a

by Park " his mom

calls Lei since they where lit

e is getting married to F

getting what up with this marriage but

ughter to the couch ex

g Hosp

ushed him to the hospital after attending to his boss wound

need a blood transfusion now "th

s several doctor searched the bloo

way speaking to someone, after han

whiles his boss was

marriage between Feng Feng and Wang Lei immediately re

hone putting a cal

he hospital right

nd pass the new on to his head . Being a body guard

isappointed. All the investors where bunch of monkey

l only for it to be discover

g our stocks if you don't answer now consider

screen started c

out by Fen Fang . Mr Zhang almost died.

a big problem. A ladies voice

gry let me g

composure the lady came t

s sight she hated men they

ead bodyguard stood there shivering. He


, Mr Lei is i

the ca


er grew even more. She texte

or the person she cal





on she was on the phone w

ou too. Also get your guys ready to hit the car w

nts said she didn't know why but her

ng bad goin


missing for

idly, her heart bea

ing it hard to breath Mr W

ter. Park turned her focus to her parents before s

Lei's se

rk , boss

e Park hang up , she run into her car

Mrs Wang felt everything was fine with their daught

eside the couch

It Mr Wang and who

before speaking up ' Mr Wang it

ephone like his life depending on it . Both of

he Ro

it was hard. Her asthma was acting

from Qui, Lei sectary she took her phone. Feeling something had happ

st lost her mind. Instead of a text from Qui it was

with Fung her adopted sister. Seriously t

w what she was thinking the

didn't even resist it but was rather opening her butt


. The funny part is that she doesn't know that am pregnant with your baby hunny. That you are already my husband, we got married before you even started dating her . It was all a plan for us to get her money and l ge

opted sis or real sister. So all this while

n the Wang Park immediately

at pain. Some weeks ago the doctor informed her she was pregna

g poison

ried holding the stir wheel b

car came directly from t

r pushing the car

e truck hitting it sever

the water with P

oking down into the river where

g his boss "

g Hosp

beeping , all the

said ' time of

er on the stretcher whiles Mr Wang looked at Lei who

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