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Married To My Brother's Girlfriend

Married To My Brother's Girlfriend


Chapter 1 Contract

Word Count: 956    |    Released on: 11/08/2023


the people sitting infront of him with a frown on his face. Like he

act marriage it was supposed to be the man asking a lady to sign the a contract then after 6 months th

nts let say ' parents ex'. Damn it ju

ned. This is unbelievable, his little ice could get married to this so calle

into that family but since I turned out to be a female at birth , the contracted couldn't take place '

g forgotten in City Y but not for his parents. He turned

for God know why. He gaze landed on his mom. Her

s. His dad was part of this , he couldn't say no to the ' man of th

i ' he walked off , getting into

companies in City Y and that too in City X, C and B. There was another

hat happened in the house was a big unexpected thing he neve

ll is that '

Lei behaves when he becomes angry. No one in company will like to come close to him or else you will be

dy ' Qui tried speaking

ad. The scent of blood in the room was strong as Lei

cool. There was no need to throw a drama. Marriage is about sex, have kids

ress Little ice. She is the twin sister of Wang Lei. His female version was nothing like him.

s two. Her next shoot was in two hours but som

ave happen. This feeling was one which she

till deat

r she met with an accident trying to stop a group of assassins Creed origins from killing the president. But in the end she failed her mission as she wasn't able

he x - drama. After shooting her part s


ng spread around the entire City Y and X. The report

xpensive phone in the world City X , one in two actress could afford this as her next wort

the thing the reporters are trying to state

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