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Supernatural Beings Of Winterville

Chapter 7 Love And Lust!

Word Count: 1581    |    Released on: 03/07/2023

ning. Kamilia was seated next to Hitler, then Kyle and Lucia. The last seat was reserved for Taylor. They were glass cups of different juice flavors for everyone. Kyle sniffed in the aroma w

h....uhm....I don't know how to tell you this!" Kyle replied, running the back of his head with his right palm. Lucia smiled before speaking. "What's that?" She asked again. "Well, it'd be better if i showed you" "Close your eyes!" Kyle added. Lucia sighed before reluctantly closing her eyes. "Now open them" Kyle ordered and immediately her eyes fluttered open. She got the greatest shock of her life. Kyle had fangs and claws, and his eyes were glowing green. His ears had stretched and enlarged, he was in his half wolf form. "What!" She exclaimed in an astonished tone. "You're a werewolf too?" "No, I'm a Vaewolf, a combination of a Vampire and a Werewolf" She was almost getting freaked out, everything had changed. She just discovered that two of the most important people in her life were some kind of supernatural beings, that was really a lot to take in. She was even becoming scared. "Don't be scared, you know I'm not gonna hurt you" Kyle assured, changing back to his human form. "Does that mean I've been living around Werewolves, Vampires, and even Witches and I didn't know?!" She panicked. "Oh my God!" Back at the temple, Elena led Alan into a dark room filled with lit up candles all around it. Someone, specifically a lady, dressed in a red cloak was kneeling in the middle of these candles, with her palms joined together like she was praying or meditating. She was chanting some unclear words as they walked nearer to her. Suddenly the lady's eyes fluttered open and she stood up to see her unexpected visitors. "Elena Denvers, Advanced Witch of the west" The lady spoke up. "Greetings Vanessa!" Elena greeted. "What brings you to my coven?" Vanessa, the so called 'head' of her witch coven. "We need your help Vanessa!" Elena replied. Alan just stood behind her, not uttering a word. He had learnt to be silent when witches of higher powers were speaking. "With what exactly?" "The weredragons, they're back and they're coming to Winterville, they're coming for us all!" Elena explained. "And we have to be ready!" Alan contributed, he was forced to. Vanesss walked slowly towards him. "I can feel your supernatural aura, but it's mixed up" she stopped a few steps away from him. "That's because he's a Vaewolf Hybrid" Elena replied her. "A Vaewolf Hybrid? It's been ages since i came across one!" Vanessa retorted. "That's because the others were killed, we're the only survivors, i and my brother Kyle" Alan replied. "The weredragons killed all supernaturals powerful enough to stop them in the supernatural realm, but we managed to escape with our lives ten thousand years ago, since then we've been on the run" Alan further explained. "And you think they're coming to the physical realm to find you?" Vanessa asked. "No, my brother foresaw it in a vision, and they'll not only kill us if they get here, they'll wipe out all supernaturals in this c

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1 Chapter 1 Welcome To Winterville!2 Chapter 2 Meeting Lucia!3 Chapter 3 Ruined Date!4 Chapter 4 Making Plans!5 Chapter 5 Secrets and Scandals!6 Chapter 6 Reinforcements!7 Chapter 7 Love And Lust!8 Chapter 8 Revenge And Regrets!9 Chapter 9 The Rescue Plan!10 Chapter 10 Rescue Gone Wrong!11 Chapter 11 And Then There Were None!12 Chapter 12 It's A Trap!13 Chapter 13 Gloomy Days!14 Chapter 14 Catching A Glimpse!15 Chapter 15 Harold Olivers!16 Chapter 16 A War Is Coming!17 Chapter 17 Where We Stand!18 Chapter 18 The Arcana!19 Chapter 19 The Blood Moon!20 Chapter 20 The Emergence!21 Chapter 21 The Blood God Returns!22 Chapter 22 Recuperation!23 Chapter 23 Prepping For Prom!24 Chapter 24 Be My Prom Date!25 Chapter 25 Meeting The Ultimate Hunter!26 Chapter 26 The Wild Wolf Of The South!27 Chapter 27 Rumbling In The Woods!28 Chapter 28 The Last Hellhound!29 Chapter 29 Prom Time!30 Chapter 30 Affections!31 Chapter 31 Differences!32 Chapter 32 Hellhound In Winterville!33 Chapter 33 Interjections!34 Chapter 34 Killing Asteria!35 Chapter 35 Returning To Full Power!36 Chapter 36 Triple Threat!37 Chapter 37 The Persistent Witch!38 Chapter 38 The Werejaguars39 Chapter 39 Sameal Pearce!40 Chapter 40 Taking Note!41 Chapter 41 The Uprising!42 Chapter 42 Ayravale!43 Chapter 43 Turner Lake Street!44 Chapter 44 Discretion!45 Chapter 45 Choosing Between The Two!46 Chapter 46 Anne... 47 Chapter 47 Walls!48 Chapter 48 Tik Tok!49 Chapter 49 Dispersion!50 Chapter 50 The Collision!51 Chapter 51 Choosing Sides!52 Chapter 52 The Convergence!