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Supernatural Beings Of Winterville

Chapter 3 Ruined Date!

Word Count: 1588    |    Released on: 03/07/2023

, using it as a medium to pass out time whilst waiting for Kamilia and Taylor to finish their meeting inside Mr Connor's office. When someoene tapped her from behind, she turned to s

ee branches, from one branch to another, using it as a distraction against his pursuers but he didn't notice a clawed fist coming for his chest. Bam! The vampire's fist collided with Kyle, sending him down to the floor. He quickly sprang up and Maintained a stance as they surrounded him. "Nowhere to run now!" "Fine! You want a fight? I'll give you one!" Kyle shouted as his eyes glowed green and his claws and fangs protracted as well. He sped towards a vampire and dug his claws into his neck, before flinging him away like a ragdoll. He weaved a punch from another vampire and sent his claws right through his chest, pulling out his heart. The first vampire charged at him, with both his claws aimed for his neck, he sped out of the way in evasion and retaliated with a swift kick to the lower abdomen which sent the latter flying into a tree. He grabbed the last vampire attacking by the neck and dug his fangs inside, boring a hole through and throwing him away. Kyle had Superior strength and speed, there was no way there were gonna stand a chance against him. He walked towards the Vampire he just bit, the latter was sprawling on the floor, groaning to the excruciating pains. "I am a Vampire/Werewolf hybrid, you can't survive the bite of a werewolf so stop trying to heal" Kyle taunted as he looked around him. Three of the vampires were dead, but the first one was nowhere to be found. "Looking for me?" The vampire's voice came from behind him. Kyle turned to see six more vampires standing where the vampire once stood, the one he bit was long gone. These vampires looked more vicious, their ferocity could be seen in their dark eyes which also portrayed their anger. "You wanna die? Come on!" Kyle shouted as he braced for impact. But the vampires began backing down, their growls stopped, they all wore perplexed looks. Kyle heard creaking sounds behind him, and he turned to see Hitler and ten of his pack members standing behind him, their eyes all glowing yellow, but no claws or fangs. "What's going on here?" He too was perplexed. Hitler stepped forward and spoke. "I know what you and your pawns did Andrew! Now I don't need to tell you that tonight there's gonna be a full moon, and you know what that means, so I suggest you back down!" Hitler spoke boldy. "We've got unfinished business Hitler, I'll be back" Andrew, the leader of the vampires replies and whistled, then he and his gang of daywalkers sped away, crushing the dry branches and leaves on the floor. "Can someone please explain what's going on to me!" Kyle demanded. "Leave us!" Hitler gestured for his pack members to leave, and they left, like they were never there. Kyle gave Hitler that look of mistrust. "Look, i know you think we're your enemies but trust me we'

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1 Chapter 1 Welcome To Winterville!2 Chapter 2 Meeting Lucia!3 Chapter 3 Ruined Date!4 Chapter 4 Making Plans!5 Chapter 5 Secrets and Scandals!6 Chapter 6 Reinforcements!7 Chapter 7 Love And Lust!8 Chapter 8 Revenge And Regrets!9 Chapter 9 The Rescue Plan!10 Chapter 10 Rescue Gone Wrong!11 Chapter 11 And Then There Were None!12 Chapter 12 It's A Trap!13 Chapter 13 Gloomy Days!14 Chapter 14 Catching A Glimpse!15 Chapter 15 Harold Olivers!16 Chapter 16 A War Is Coming!17 Chapter 17 Where We Stand!18 Chapter 18 The Arcana!19 Chapter 19 The Blood Moon!20 Chapter 20 The Emergence!21 Chapter 21 The Blood God Returns!22 Chapter 22 Recuperation!23 Chapter 23 Prepping For Prom!24 Chapter 24 Be My Prom Date!25 Chapter 25 Meeting The Ultimate Hunter!26 Chapter 26 The Wild Wolf Of The South!27 Chapter 27 Rumbling In The Woods!28 Chapter 28 The Last Hellhound!29 Chapter 29 Prom Time!30 Chapter 30 Affections!31 Chapter 31 Differences!32 Chapter 32 Hellhound In Winterville!33 Chapter 33 Interjections!34 Chapter 34 Killing Asteria!35 Chapter 35 Returning To Full Power!36 Chapter 36 Triple Threat!37 Chapter 37 The Persistent Witch!38 Chapter 38 The Werejaguars39 Chapter 39 Sameal Pearce!40 Chapter 40 Taking Note!41 Chapter 41 The Uprising!42 Chapter 42 Ayravale!43 Chapter 43 Turner Lake Street!44 Chapter 44 Discretion!45 Chapter 45 Choosing Between The Two!46 Chapter 46 Anne... 47 Chapter 47 Walls!48 Chapter 48 Tik Tok!49 Chapter 49 Dispersion!50 Chapter 50 The Collision!51 Chapter 51 Choosing Sides!52 Chapter 52 The Convergence!