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Supernatural Beings Of Winterville

Chapter 5 Secrets and Scandals!

Word Count: 1620    |    Released on: 03/07/2023

en he heard whooshing sounds, he turned back to see about thirty vampires standing in front of him, five other vampires had surrounded Kamilia, Lucia, and Taylor. He had to do something. Lucia a

ome on, it's okay! You just saved our butts" Lucia cut Kamilia short. "I was planning on telling you but I felt the time wasn't right" She concluded. "Everyone at that party's gonna die!" Lucia said, she was thinking about Kyle. "Please Kamilia, you have to save Kyle!" Lucia begged, grabbing hold of Kamilia's shirt. "Don't worry, he can take care of himself!" Kamilia said giving her a reassuring nod. "I don't get you, how's he supposed to survive against dozens of those horrible creatures?" Lucia yelled at the top of her voice. "Or is there something else you're not telling us?" Kamilia asked, anger vividly portrayed in her tone. "Listen Lucia, there are a lot of things I can't tell you now because even if I do, you won't......" Lucia cut her short again. "Lies, that's what you've been telling us all this while, now you're just gonna let him....." She was about saying when Taylor who had been watching quietly all this while cut her short. "Come on Lucia, you've gotta believe her, your boyfriend's gonna be okay" Lucia ignored Taylor and shot Kamilia a stern look. "Lucia....!" Kamilia called out to her but she ignored and walked briskly away. "You know if there's something else she needs to know, you should've just told her!" Taylor said with a comforting tone. "Let's just go home!" Kamilia replied, she was hurt, she just fought with her best friend! She snapped her fingers and muttered a spell and in the blink of an eye, they were both gone. Back outside the club, the sound of growling and roaring dominated the whole area. The residents of the environment were alarmed and began making distress calls, sooner or later, the cops would arrive at the scene. Slash! Kyle slit the throat of a vampire and flung him away like a ragdoll. Another vampire sped at him but due to his Superior speed, he weaved two claw slashes from the vampire before biting it's head off. "Revelere" he casted a spell which released a multidirectional wave of destructive energy, decimating four vampires headed his way. As a Veawolf, Kyle had magic in him, so he utilized it into spells that could deliver destructive beams, and waves of magical energy, both he and Alan had practiced magic and learnt a thing or two, eight thousand years ago. Hitler charged at a vampire which had just devoured one of his pack members furiously and dug his fangs into it's neck with brute force, tearing it apart and throwing it to the floor. He leapt at another vampire attacking another of his pack member and dug his claws into it's spine, ripping it out with brute Force, crimson liquid splattered everywhere. He was enjoying the massacre, but he was still hurt that he was loosing his pack members one by one. A giant werewolf with a brown fur charged ferociously at Andrew who just stood still at the spot, watching as it approached him. Slash! It's claws came for him, but with one leap, he was airbone. He landed skillfully behind the a

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1 Chapter 1 Welcome To Winterville!2 Chapter 2 Meeting Lucia!3 Chapter 3 Ruined Date!4 Chapter 4 Making Plans!5 Chapter 5 Secrets and Scandals!6 Chapter 6 Reinforcements!7 Chapter 7 Love And Lust!8 Chapter 8 Revenge And Regrets!9 Chapter 9 The Rescue Plan!10 Chapter 10 Rescue Gone Wrong!11 Chapter 11 And Then There Were None!12 Chapter 12 It's A Trap!13 Chapter 13 Gloomy Days!14 Chapter 14 Catching A Glimpse!15 Chapter 15 Harold Olivers!16 Chapter 16 A War Is Coming!17 Chapter 17 Where We Stand!18 Chapter 18 The Arcana!19 Chapter 19 The Blood Moon!20 Chapter 20 The Emergence!21 Chapter 21 The Blood God Returns!22 Chapter 22 Recuperation!23 Chapter 23 Prepping For Prom!24 Chapter 24 Be My Prom Date!25 Chapter 25 Meeting The Ultimate Hunter!26 Chapter 26 The Wild Wolf Of The South!27 Chapter 27 Rumbling In The Woods!28 Chapter 28 The Last Hellhound!29 Chapter 29 Prom Time!30 Chapter 30 Affections!31 Chapter 31 Differences!32 Chapter 32 Hellhound In Winterville!33 Chapter 33 Interjections!34 Chapter 34 Killing Asteria!35 Chapter 35 Returning To Full Power!36 Chapter 36 Triple Threat!37 Chapter 37 The Persistent Witch!38 Chapter 38 The Werejaguars39 Chapter 39 Sameal Pearce!40 Chapter 40 Taking Note!41 Chapter 41 The Uprising!42 Chapter 42 Ayravale!43 Chapter 43 Turner Lake Street!44 Chapter 44 Discretion!45 Chapter 45 Choosing Between The Two!46 Chapter 46 Anne... 47 Chapter 47 Walls!48 Chapter 48 Tik Tok!49 Chapter 49 Dispersion!50 Chapter 50 The Collision!51 Chapter 51 Choosing Sides!52 Chapter 52 The Convergence!