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Most wanted maid

Chapter 3 The plan

Word Count: 3154    |    Released on: 06/06/2023



moreover,i trust you will extort enough money from him"She added,ma-king Sonia's endless thoughts grow the more.She was right about the idea of concealing the crime but that extorting money 'thi

patient Ebere had sÂŁnt her texts over the pasts days,saying she's still waiting for a call. The second week was coming to an end and she equally knew that Ebere meant every word she said. "Three weeks or you face the law" The idea of eliminating Ebere crossed her mind severally but she remembered her words again;that there was a

as if she was actually called. "I didn't call you, and why are you putting on this dress" David asked, he was having mixed feelings. He didn't know if he should shout at her or not. Frankly speaking, he was beginning to like her for the type of person she was. Very ha-rd working, humble and respectful, with her beauty crowning it all. But for the sake of the vow he made on the alter to Angela, he always dismissed every negative thoughts to take advantange of the poor girl. But now,here she was with him all alone. He looked at her once more. He controlled himself as a man, not knowing that Sonia had a plan in mind. "Why are you wearing this?" He asked again. Sonia knew without being told that she had failed this first attempt. "Nothing sir. just that i was feeling heat. so i decided to wear this clothes" She answered, tou-ching the clothes as if David didn't see them. "Is the fan in your room no longer working. Go to your room" David finally said and faced the football match he was watching. "I am sorry sir" Sonia drawled and started walk

nal as she bent down to pick it up to cover herself. "I am very sorry sir.i'm sorry"she said again,standing there and looking at him as if he was a ghost. David just shook his head and made for the door. "Get me my dinner"he said before shutting the door. Sonia face changed immediately he left.she was very disappointed. "what manner of man is this? Does it mean i am not appealing to him?"she thought. "I am trying my best o.i am doing my best"This she said to Ebere on the phone before unmuting it. "That is your own business "Ebere's voice echoed from the other end before the line went dead. "I must make up for this,before he tells my madam another thing

a,i have tried my best but the man has refused.I am afraid he might find out my mission and sÂŁnd me packing.Mama i dont want to go to j

The witch doctor they visited gave Sonia a liquid in a black bottle and told her to

throat.She had only 6 days left to do Ebere's bidding. The only thing on her mind that moment was to see David pas-s the food down his throat. David c@mÂŁ out from his room and headed to the dinning to have breakfast. As he sat down,he glanced at his wristwatc

on whenever I post new episode, quickly use


. Michael'


en,Angela emerged and went up to her husband. "Darling.She is right.plea-se come and eat your food.The office and meeting can wait.your health is more important to me"she said as she took him by t

her how the plans has been going. "Yes mum.for these past two days,i made sure i put the liquid into his food and i al

ll back-fire if you don't do it well as he

his head with itThat is all.plea-se be careful o"She instructed. "Alright mom.i will try my best"Sonia finally said and dropped the call. She had succeed only in putting it into his breakfast this morning.She wondered how she can ru-b his head with her palm. The bathing water case can never be a problem.She prayed to get lucky.But she was scared.The t

beat increa-sed as she was set to carry out her final operations. She successfully applied i

there is a little soap on your head"She c@m£ closer and David st©pped,lowering his head for her to clean out the soap as she volunteered to. She smiled within herself as she ru-bbe-d his head with the liquid.she ru-bbe-d it all over slowly,with plea-sure. "Its okay now"she said.David

ood morning mum"She finally spoke into the phone. "Angela.Angela are you alright?"Mrs uwa asked from the other end of telephone. "I'm alright mum.I hope there is no problem"Angela asked curiously.Her mother's voice didn't sound normal. "Angela.i had a dream that's why i called you"Mrs uwa said with a shaky voice. "A dream?"Angela asked yawning. "Angela, i had a dream.you were travelling by a bus,sitting very comfortably on yo

but only one case gave her doubts.Her little sister was taken by unknown gunmen few months after her birth and they never heard anything about her again.She felt her sister could be dead;if not blood and destiny ought to have brou-ght them together again but her mother kept saying that her lost daughter was still alive,that she dreams of it. Angela openly doubted the possib

,she stayed over at her parents place as instructed by her mother. The pastor didn't actually explain the dream but he only said he s-en-sed danger. "Great disaster" David rolled again on the big be-d,curling up at one end to see if sleep would welcome him into it's soothing arms. He kept still expecting it to come but it never c@mÂŁ.Not even a shadow of that blessing called sleep did he see. He knew for certain that there was no way slee

her when he had Angela but tonight he just couldn't un-derstand what was happening. He had called Angela on the phone few minutes ago and they gisted and laughed for sometime before bidding each other good

swallowed ha-rd and made for the door as the whole incident kept repla-ying in his head. He headed towards her room,though he didn't know what he was going there to do but he felt like beholding her face physically;perh aps,it could help cure this new sickness of his. He walked lazily until he arrived at her door.He reasoned within him that it would be a disturbance if he called her name at that time of the night without any solid reason. He tried opening the door quietly to just steal a look at her and then go back in peace but it was locked.He rested against the door and muttered something un-der his breath. He fin

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