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Most wanted maid

Chapter 2 The unknown

Word Count: 2282    |    Released on: 02/06/2023




raise money.Since she finished secondary school;fees of which she saw to,s

he's a weakling.Sonia just couldn't figure out why her mother of all people should call her a weaklin

©dy as a result of the countless number of times she fell down,climbing a

she's a women.Women were not allowed to do such work but she begged and p

ou-gh a ladder slanting against a the rou-gh wall,she felt weak,missed a st

at"not everything a man can

her and paid her some money so s

bruises on her b©dy but instead,the provoking old woman a

m trying my best"She sniffed,knowing she was just a step away from crying.She fought the tears that threa

ises on their b©dy there

imagining and thinking with her br@in,her mothers attitude towards he

from the building?"H

was no new kind of question to her.Her mo

some money inorder to get you more drugs.i just dont know why you are always hostile to me mom"There wer

re too

woman she called her mother

c@mÂŁ out from your wo-mb"Sonia said and stormed out of the house

ver paid them any attention.Paul,one of the young men in her neighbourhood vowed to have his way with her b

d.i wish you can just come over to my house one of th

r agreeing to be just a friend,Paul

eyes and found herself on the be-d,stack n-ked.Not eve

ered her face with her pa

rner of the room,staring at her.She quic-kly gr@bb

tears she focuse

you i am a vir-gin.Do you have to do this?"She couldn't co

fort her.Sonia angrily

ar me,She bark

ded.He felt bad though but he was happy he got what he actually wan

ger had interest in her,probably becau

shattered when Paul

e and dump m


evenge on Paul.He must pay for tak

like doing it with you again and again.i nee-d you paul.i nee-d you to

the sweet thing once again.She wore a dress revea-ling

aul took his time R0m-ncing and c@rÂŁss!ngevery p@rt of her as she m0@n ed softly and excited him the more.She knew she had to do this in

ity,paul took her off the ground like a baby and off to the be-d

and k!$$ÂŁd him one more time before throwing him dow

as he closed his eyes in plea-sure.Sonia sa

hoe and brou-ght out a very sharp litt

our eyes"Sonia said and wra-pped her mouth over his,in a gentle k!ss

the knife closer while her hea

he-st.She watched him with great panic as he l@ydown there,


at was the question tha

called her and talked to her

rhood.She made Sonia see reasons why she should accept the little job and if not for anything,be

ch mind but Sonia suspected there might be something more to it as Ebere told her t

her anything about her father.Whenever she asked,her mother,if in a good mood will only tell her that her father d

isi.Her good friend,who lived

ent kind of feelings.Sometimes,she cry.Somet


had given the idea of going to the shop with Sonia a second thought but ended up discarding the

She must have been busy with the dishes.The poor girl was just a blessing to Angela wit

orget to bring the clothes f

s A

re the money i gave you must be enough"Angela ba-rely finished what she was saying before her phone rang.S

ere is something

y at the door.She

ed.She didn't want t

etraying her.It was Ebere who told her they must have a serious d

e you something for her"Angela said in a low

ney."greet her for me.maybe on sunday we go vis

ts to discuss with her.Whatever it may be,i

at little open restaurant and not in her house.Of course she lived alone somewhere. "sorry for keeping you waiting" Sonia turned her face and it was Ebere.She took a sigh of relief and greeted her. Ebere took the seat in front of her and flashed a smile. "When you

he back" Sonia listened with ra-pt attention as Ebere went on and on. "I met the man of my dream and we started a good relationsh!p.He proposed marriage to me and i accepted to marry him.That was all i ever wanted,and we started ma-king arrangements for the we

-sted into tears.She suddenly st©pped as if something immediately told her to st©p.She dried her tears with the handkerchief she was holding.Sonia felt sorry for her. "But i later found out it was Angela who told him that i do sleep around with men.I know that i am not a LovePeddler.But as a lady desperate to get married,i allowed most of the men that c@m£ my way to sleep with me when they demanded for it;all for the fear of not loosing them. I didn't doubt it when someone told me that it was Angela

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