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Love You, Kill You (Male Edition)

Chapter 5 A Requiem for My Wife's Departed Soul(5)

Word Count: 805    |    Released on: 23/04/2023

y came up with a plan. They bought a huge amount of insurance for Nadia in secret and ga

ese tonics. Her body couldn't absorb much nutrition, and the t

rnal influence, Nadia's

hese were the caus

at she accidentally overheard the Prentiss family's plan to contact traffickers and secretly sell Delia before I re

earing these things, Nadia couldn't contain the anger that ha

to kick Mark and Mona out of the h

intentions. If Nadia exposed their schemes to the world, th

g advantage of Delia, claiming that since the little girl would

he screamed in fear. In an effort to protec

over her chest and struck her lungs with a powerful blow. The injury inflicted by the blow was not visible on th

at she had just passed out for no reason and quickly

passed away without being a

ustody of Delia before inheriting our property. They planned to sel

hock after listening to the re

ome so depraved and ruthless that they were willing t

ce now." I quickly grabbed my phone and checked the surveillance camera. I saw the

lock button on the app and

to arrest them, Mark and Mona

ding, revealing to the Prentiss family

she would soon face the consequences of her a

or multiple crimes. Due to the charge of intentional homicide, they were respectively sentenced to the

couldn't resist shouting, "Nadia, can you see this? I have finally avenged your death. You can now rest in pea

g down her face. Delia was nestled in

m about Nadia for the fi

quet filled with family members and friends who had already passed away. S

from Nadia telling me that she was


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