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Love You, Kill You (Male Edition)

Chapter 2 A Requiem for My Wife's Departed Soul(2)

Word Count: 1990    |    Released on: 23/04/2023

icing some irregularities from the time

home, and they had caused trouble for quite some time. They refused to lea

as peculiar. She took it upon herself to cook for Nadia and even brought some herbal

ft our house. After being taken to the hospital for a check, the doctor diagno

e drank Mona's herbal tonics.

oor health. Hence, the medicinal herbs were for maintaining the health of Nadia's lungs. She claimed she had gone out of her wa

be convincing, and I didn't dwell on it too much. Moreover, I

er knew and got a lot of herbal tonics prescribed for Nadia, which was unusual. Not to me

al tonics could be harmful to one's health. So, I tried to persuade Mona to reduce the amount of as

aimed I didn't trust her. She even cried and caused a scen

rotect and care for their offspring, I never once considered that

. As a result, she began waking up early in the morning to prepare breakfast. Ho

stomach, feeling like she was carrying a heavy iron w

their home, citing that they had been away for too long and that ther

r sudden departure bu

ng after Mona and Nathaniel left, Nadia suddenly fainted one n

accumulation of fluid in her abdomen and chest, which caused her bloating. The doctor eve

ed the accumulation of fluid

nd Nadia's condition was due to inflammation in her lungs.

fluid from her body daily. They had to make several incisions and insert multiple tubes. Wh

lly. It's just my fate. Maybe I did many bad things in my past life and received the punishment in this life. The only people t

But now, I couldn't help but wonder if she somehow knew that her mother

idn't reveal her family's scheme t

ressed my urge to seek revenge and chose to wait patiently. I would

Nadia's death, I was determined to gather concrete evidence an

lia suddenly woke up and hab

mouth and rushed to the emergency exit stairs with her in

her ear, "Honey, let's play hide-and-seek with Grandma. If s

ant. She only asked with tears in her eyes, "Daddy, is Mommy playi

a had seen Nadia lying in the coffin as it was being pushed into the

elia's words and nodded heavily. I a

ollowed by Mona's sharp voice. "Who's there? Has

resence, knowing I might remain silent if she called my name to hide my

ready told Delia not

her name, she turned to look at me. I qu

d nodded with a smile

ctly? There's no one there." Natha

I heard a little girl calling 'Mommy' just now. Coul

why don't you call him and ask him where he is? I'll go get

as Nathaniel calling me. If I had not reacted quickly and mut

iel's call even though

t answering the phone. With so many guests at

first!" Mona said before c

discuss something else, but

e before returning. To prevent Mona from getting any information

couldn't unlock the door. It seemed that the Prentiss family had lock

d on the door. After a while, a voice

and a sad expression on her face. If I hadn't overheard their

funeral going?" Mona exclaimed, throwing hers

eart, I put on a sad face and r

ied to you for only a few years. How can you, an outsider, understand the pain of having to send our daughter away? If you cannot give

pired to play the roles of good cop

, who had been lying on the sofa, suddenly jum

rt, I chose not to dodge Nathani

or dodging because I knew that by enduring thi

Hence, Nathaniel charged at me again, delivering punches and kicks. I hel

"Stop hitting my dad! You're all bad guys! How could you hit my da

ng child, making me wonder if she had witnessed

? Now that she's gone, we are the closest family you have. Come to Granny now. You will liv

ake her away and refused to leave my arms. I

n, Mona had to

w! You little devil! You and your mother are both wicke

raised her hand, wanting

fierce look, and declared, "You can hit me all you want, bu

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