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Love You, Kill You (Male Edition)

Chapter 4 A Requiem for My Wife's Departed Soul(4)

Word Count: 2225    |    Released on: 23/04/2023

in anguish. "Why did she have to endure such a fa

t she didn't know how to console me and co

f Nadia lived in our home, she would no longer be abused by her family.

. Crying won't bring Nadia back. We should seek justice for

r," I said as I wiped my tears with

our revenge plan aft

d. They brought Nadia's documents to a lawyer, claiming inherit

equesting a meeting to discuss the inheri

he lawyer, I reached out to Amber to

el. Despite his reputation for being lazy and wicked, he quickly fel

Amber to accompany Nathaniel to his hom

erfect for me. I arranged with Amber

ber sent me a messag

half an hour later after

the sound of laughter coming from inside, indicating

ing Amber a mental th

tely knocked on

impatiently as she appro

She looked at Amber anxiously and whispered to me, "What are you

nding here. This is my house, and you are only staying here

house for us as our marital home? What is going on now? I told you that we cannot get married without a home. It is customary to provide betrothal gifts when getting married. It see

quinted her eyes, silently ask

oval, acknowledging that her

k, Amber covered her face with her

e in a vicious manner, I was quick t

to attack me. If she leaves, you might never s

iel scrambled up from the grou

drama, and as I turned around, I noticed Mark

asked, "Didn't you get a call from

rights and transferring the properties to Delia. You won't be inheriting much anyway.

rs. How could you try to take advantage of her death? How could you try to snatch the inheritance from her mother? You're su

o you not know how Nadia died? Are you unawar

k and Mona's faces. They stared at me with wide

ur neglect that led to her death?" My suspicions were confirmed as Mark and Mona reacte

aid, Mark and Mona bre

nt all your time outside fooling around. It was your actions that led to her

suddenly pass away without even being able to say a last word?" He might have thought that by accusing me of causing Nadia's death, t

or him, I would

nce rights. If we cannot come to an agreement, we will see each other in court!" With

d get home, A

ver there? Did you find

ut he hinted at it. I need some time to gather evidence. He also mentioned that he knew your weakness

akness, and I couldn't help but worry if Nathaniel, being the u

d instantly rushed tow

eir house, I cou

nts anxiously,

her misses her a lot. Considering that her grandmother ha

ey were targeting my daughter. Without bothering to e

ne rang. I turned on my phone and sa

g is illegal, and you need to return her to me immedia

ickers, and you'll never see her again. I never expected this little weasel to be worthy. I can sell her for several thou

this, I instan

ed to take our property, but I didn't a

ol to deceitfully gain the property. After that, she planned to sell Delia off to traffickers. If they suc

the right time to lose control. My top priority was to ensure Delia's

e phone. I suspected that Amber had

t bring Delia with him. Therefore, he had to

one app to check the house. After a few moments, I sp

, and Mona slapped her and

d swiftly locked the bedroom door. Without unlocking it from

sent a message to Amber, urging her to

, rushed home to dea

an OK gesture and s

d Mona quarreling angrily because they

ark, who had a bad temper, grabbed

her face to swell and bruise, and she col

art. Instead, I couldn't help but feel heartbroken

na, with a bruised and swollen face,

aist, she cursed at me

ia crying from inside the r

et me take Delia away today, I will call th

s accusations. We are not involved in child trafficking. And what can we do if the

pressed the unlock button. The door clicked open, and

lia's safety, so I didn't linger a

's house. I gently wiped away her tears. As soon as I arr

the phone. "I have the evidence. Wher

y parents' home. Fifteen mi

ch that her teeth were chattering loudly, indicati

haniel to a bar, where they drank heavily, and she had told

t hold himself back, and he revealed the truth ab

perty for a while. They had even expressed their desire to Nadia multiple ti

use. It was a symbol of our family's hard work and dedication over the years,

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