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The Ex-wife Revenge

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2011    |    Released on: 17/03/2023

together as they headed to the sky

the building. She couldn't help but wonde

of princesses and prin

ad returned to claim what was rightfully his. His sha

he Jones Holders to get the position of the presid

t this would be his first step in helping her out. The man said that he woul

s met and they couldn't imagine what they co

Jones Holders and that was something that no one could take away f

ed to get her child's rights from the Jones family.

that he said, there's only one thing she knew, Albert would help her get back with Charles that's why she was ju

er thought that all her sac

only got pain and

eel the eyes that were on them well, probably

dsome as his brother, Charles. Though they came fro

with Charles, she had alrea

as married to Charles before, so these people lookin

e never felt that Charles had been into her. He never attempted to introduce her to t

y were walking towards the elevator. S

was feeling tense. She didn't know what she would be doing once she and Charles me

, around six foot and two inches, she needed to lift

wearing flat shoes. Since she's pregnant, she didn't wa

ake. She would like to be safe than sorry later. She wou

ng so fast not because of the thing that they were about to do but bec

ooking into her eyes. "Just stay by my side. Everything

y, they heard people walking towards the entrance of the bui

what he had done to her, she couldn't stop the thrill that flowed down he

s family. She never had the chance to get inside for the three years of marri

rds their direction with his emp

ed their heads because of his arrival. It was li

She saw how Charles's forehead crease

s doing in his company or it could be that because she was with Albert.

art beating so loud. It was as if there were drums

e just on time," it was Albert's voice which brought her back to her senses. "We aren't lat

er," Charles said as he smiled a

turned dark as if he couldn't believe what she was doing in front of her. It was as if Charles

on at all which made her shiver. She couldn't explain why al

d even answer him, A

man didn't wait for him to answer. "Then, I guess, I don't need to intro

in his voice while he was looking at her even if he was talking to Albert. Disb

ble for her and Albe

Albert said, which made her eyes go round. " If that's the case, there's no sense for me to

in that kind of scene. Though he was thankful that Albert was smart enough to handle the

for her. Maybe, because she wasn'

r three years when I attended a wedding with my mother and I think the last time that I

sorry that I didn't make it. I accidentally bumped into someone special

aying was music to her ears. She knew that his tone was also per

and. She couldn't think of how he could repay Albert for doing everyt

and they all went inside as so

ng. If she wasn't pregnant, she would hav

r father left," Charles said which broke the silence that was filling the elevator. "Thank you so much for comin

heard what he said to Charles. Elizabeth coul

nough for her to know her ex-husband very well, espe

st deserves the best, " Albert said with excitement in his eyes. Elizabeth couldn't help but be thankful to

because of shock after

gratulations, bro. I think I have to work on

uick look and that d

lking about. He was blinded by his foolishness that he couldn't even see the changes in h

t her at all. Maybe, he was even thankf

k. He had his own business abroad but because his half-brother w

learned that the woman was Charles' ex-wife and tha

hat's why he wanted to help Elizabeth even if that would mean that he would be the one who would give the name to Elizabeth's c

he would inherit the w

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