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The Ex-wife Revenge

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2016    |    Released on: 17/03/2023

as staring at her ex-husband, Charles. She's the

e her. She couldn't even understand why she was at

or them was a

etting engaged to his childhood sweet

arried, Elizabeth and Charle

rything between her and Charles already came to an end. She could n

e from work. She was in the gar

rd him calling out her name as

sband came home looking for her. She heard him c

like her heart skipped a beat as she though

d calling her out wh

was located near their living room

er afternoon at their hous

ed. So, she decided to water her plants before they

ouldn't just let them die. They were her listeners to the

bore from the cold treatment she received from

as lookin

ed so Charles knew tha

ud that it was already deafening. She couldn't hide the exci

to their bedroom or to the study room. The man didn't even care if s

isted in his life. More often than not

for her to think of that but she had a husband a

one who forced him to marry her? So, Eliza

nded by her feelings. She thought she would live life in fairy tales. She

se the man chose to give their marriage a chance but no

signed the divorce papers

ain that she felt when she heard what the

elt like she was slicing her hear

was what Charles wanted so he could marry his childhood sweethear

everything ended between her a

him for almost fifteen years, she was still grateful. She was thankful beyond words

izabeth was still thankful. If it wasn't for that chance that Charles gav

that Charles came home looking for her was also the same day that she planned to su

rriage they had, Charles wanted her to carry his heir. He said that if she would be a

uld be able to fulfill his request and they could li

y dead two years ago. The reason why they got married was already gone. However, Charle

edding anniversary when Charles went

the man would ask that very d

he went inside their house and when he found

still recall everything that happened and ev

painful e

nvelope while she was wateri

id as he put down the envelope

t friend Selena or Nanny Maria. They were the two people who never got tired

the first time that Charles asked her to sign so

something that she couldn't explain. Her heart rate doubled

He was looking intently at her. "You just need to sign it and I will ta

n front of her. She felt lik

t Charles just said. She felt like he

avy that fell on her stomach that m

e just died. She wished lik

from Charles, all she had on her mind w

had the time to prove that she could

, he wouldn't file a divorce but the man didn't even give

divorce paper that he placed

s shaking as she was tryi

s how everything that s

e was trembling

ed at her which made her startled. She felt like her heart

arles always like this every time

ow she felt like her whole world crashed

aiting for? Go and sign that paper," Charles yelled aga

t Charles wanted her to do. She slowly walked towa

ile looking at her and th

're so slow, you know? Like a snail. That's what ex

the irritation

annoyance was written all over his face. Charles qui

running through her mind especially now

to conceive again and when it happened, Charles wan

ivorce? Why all of a sudden? Isn't today our third wedding anniversary? I even prepared a yummy dinner for us. I was hoping that you would like it. I prepared all you

fore words could come out, they suddenly heard a voice

o her. She felt like there was a bucket of cold water that was p

s to answer, she immediate

he water hose. She continued whatever

d checked Charles. He already had what he w

were unstoppable like the water coming out from the hose. She cried her heart out



apped their hands and this dr

and came out of the banquet but before she could rea

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