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The Ex-wife Revenge

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2011    |    Released on: 17/03/2023

ime. She couldn't stand

rashed right in front of her. She felt like she was about to e

her chest while she was staring at the

e she left her car but before she could even

d. Her eyes started to get blurry and before

ds coming from nearby. She slightly covered her eyes with her hands bec

was painted with cream colour and she co

d when she felt p

e pain around her head. Her eyebrows we

he realized that it was a ban

o me?" She whisp

to her. She suddenly felt a pain inside her heart like it was sta

ened at the banquet. Charles was so happy with Elaine Imp

was already crying as her

o look at him. All she wanted to do was to cry about everything that she was feeling. She di

ode if she wouldn't let out all the

ought that the love she had for the man for fifteen long years never

never enough for her to hate her. It never was enough for all the l

of their marriage. So, she couldn't understand why he needed to leave her. He didn't hear he

was as if trying t

e white thing in front of her. She didn't notice that the man

d sadness that she was feeling becaus

heard the man apol

e could clearly see the man wh

He has an attractive jawline and a pair of hazel brow

de the man look more attractive and at the s

d his perfect body built and broad shoulders. She could

d an oozing

ok like her ex-husband. Their only difference was their faces and Charles had a pair of blue eyes whi

and. Those pairs of blue eyes were the ones who caught her young h

uddenly opened and to her surprise, she heard the

hurts? " Elizabeth looked in her Nanny Maria's direction who asked her questi

ou know that I am here? And, where am I?" She asked as she watched her Nanny Maria walk towards h

er right side. She followed her Nanny's gaze an

leared hi

as like a melting candle because of the way that the man was looking at her.She couldn

tunately, your phone rang in the middle of the night. I didn' hesitate to answer it hoping that it was one of your family members and they were looking for y

of her Nanny Maria gentl

know how worried I am about you. Please, don't do this again or else I will die because of worryin

knew that she had bee

at she witnessed yesterday. "I thought I was strong enough to see it but in the end, I ran away because of the pain that I started to feel. I couldn

sn't know how long she would be crying but she was hoping

yesterday. The man was so happy while he was with Elaine. They were a picture-perfect c

d cherished for fifteen long years never

ildhood sweetheart, Elaine Imperial? Is that the reason why you came ou

o the man with her eyes askin

harles? Are you their friend?" She asked one a

n replied in a bland voice. The man shook his head as hate

r more curious. Why did he call her his sister-in-law? How was he relat

n't give any reaction to what he previously said. "Well, I am sure that your dearest husband, who broke your he

gh and that was the only sound

o say. She couldn't help but wonder who was this man inside the room

r was the reason why my parents' relationship was ruined. His mother was the reason why I grew up without a father. My family was broken because of his mother. Your husband's mother is a homewrecker and a certified

owards Charles and Charles' moth

as co

ould believe all his revelations or not. She had no idea about it and s

ned anything about him. He never mentio

to Charle's mother that they need to give the share of Charles' brother. It was a share that rightfully belonged to his bro

yself to you? Should I tell you my real name?"

r as she tried to digest everyth

rt Jones Sr and I am Charles Jones' big brother," Alber

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