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Jack Haydon's Quest

Chapter 6 IN RANGOON.

Word Count: 2699    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

e baffled spy. "I propose, Jack, that we make for Harwich and cross over to the Continent, avoiding the usual English routes and English steamers. We want to get there as quietly as we can.

must head for Liverpoo

Queen's Road Station. We'll hit the Tw

to jump into an east-bound train, as the conduc

way," remarked Buck. "We were

radually working their way towards Liverpool Street. They timed their arrival there five minutes before a fast express pulled

"There we can buy an outfit and take passage for Ran

to a wide quay of Rangoon, and took up her berth. Over her side leaned two figures we know, one looking at the scene

sun; the crowd of masts, the native boats, the swift little sampans darting hither and thither, the quaint up-river craft, the Chinese junks-all was so new and strange and wonderful th

n, "that the sight of all these strange new thin

had a touch of it myself when I first came to these queer

eems impossible that this is workaday

oot moon a bit; and we've got a straight enough job before us. We'll have to rustle some b

ain my father

d nothing. Very good. That makes it all the surer the Professor is in front of us up this river;" and Buck

received cables from Mr. Buxton giving the ne

ch with a large kit-bag in hand. They had travelled light, and all their luggage was with them. Buck held up a finger, and a Chinese coolie darted

oad street, which, now that the dusk had fallen and the sea-

d Buck. "It's pleasant and fresh after the day. This i

ellow, slant-eyed Chinamen; a naked Coringhi, his dark body shining in the lamp-light, and the rings in his nose jingling together; Hindus of all ranks, from the stately Brahmin to the coolie bearing loads or pulling

e street he stopped the rickshaw and paid off the coolie, each taking his own kit-b

d Buck, "an' I'm takin' a shy road. We've

be on the look-out for us in

ed Risley. "No harm in

ider street. Here Buck paused before a shop whose windows were closed, but rays of light were

ounter stood a tall, elderly man taking a rifle to pieces by the light of a brightly-burning lamp. He w

"Slidin' in like a thief in the night,

ied Buck, answering the last question first, as he p

in turn. "Me and your father have known each other a long time and done a

Jack, "I've heard yo

his is a queer business about the Professor.

Rangoon, of cours

nt. "The Professor was kno

"that's just what I've come to talk about. You know the r

shiftin' about here and there," remarked Jim Dent. "I know a thing or

to an inner room. Here another lamp was burning, and all three sat down. Buck plun

l right," said Dent at the co

think so?"

take about that. The thing's been done before, but the men have been collared in this country, I admit. I've never

y?" asked Jack. "It was impossible to book a passage bac

had a vessel of their own, but that's a puzzling thing. Di

of him," rep

ing out for them, but it's pretty plain they were looking out for you. They must have been fly to your posting tha

rely we can lay our hands upon one or other of his native guides, and they will lead us to the place. The

o to work very cautiously. The men you are after are at home there, and have a hundred ways of finding out what you're u

e to appeal to the aut

ith shook

correct. Then, again, if inquiries were started you would only warn the parties you suspect, and they'd take good care your plans came to nothing. For holding a man tight and keeping the place of his hiding se

here to pick up a bit of river news which would help you. I wonder whether old Moung San is up in Mandalay yet. He s

took the Professor up the river Chindwin, the last trip Mr. Haydon ma

ade along the river," said Dent, "and he o

k; "and that reminds me, Jim, we shall want some guns; we've g

ree went back to the little front room wh

s he turned some of his stock on to the counter. "Clap th

. Have you got a light rifle or two in stock, Jim? We don't want t

those handiest of shooting tools and passing it over to Jack. "No weig

up. "I've never tried it, but I've heard ab

handy little cartridge, too. That's a thing to consider on a march. You c

le they would be likely to meet, and what they would need to meet the chances of their journey, his eye fired and his excitement grew. He poured forth a flood of information, of warning, of directions, which showed how co

a real trip, getting clean off the track and striking a lin

uaintance keenly. Now he leaned ov

hin' in every bone o' your body for a

unpowder. The gunsmith struck the counter wit

l come fast enough. It's the sort o

ecruit offered here, and h

any us, Mr. Dent," he said, "we shall be de

oked after by a friend as long as that. And within a month, if we go the right way to work,

ed never fear you'll be at a loss in the end," sa

"Didn't you say you're offering a rew

o," repli

first and pick that up. That'll clear my exp

ack, "we're paying all

un and the chance of £500 thrown in, and the lot for nothing. You

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