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Jack Haydon's Quest


Word Count: 1513    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

presence of Baumann and his vile insinuations, began to c

a cab and was driven to Lincoln's Inn. He found Mr. Buxton's sitting-room littered with t

hake hands with him; "how have you been gettin

rning a great deal." He struck into his story at

Buxton slowly, when Jack had finished. "I say, this changes the whole situa

ried Buck. "I knew very well there was something.

isley," said Mr. Buxton. "I've always understood

, "that when he picked me up at Mogok on the way home, he found only a dim and distant shadder o' the party now talkin' to you. I'd been on my back for weeks with fever, and was as weak and nervous as a kitten. I've picked up wonderful on the voyage home. Well, if he'd told me o' such a thing

stopped me on Rushmere Heath and then turned up

at the young man. "'Twas all runnin' through my m

eak, but Buck held up his hand for silence, and the quiet remained unbroken till the America

or's been kidnapped, and I'll lay all I'm wor

irrepressible surprise and e

That's the starting-point for the whole business. He's mixed up in it from first to last, that's plain enough, by his showing up at Rushmere and then followin' Jack to

Risley?" asked Mr. Buxton. "Perhaps they-" Mr. Buxton paused, un

ay it out, for I don't believe it's the least bit true. You

and Jack went whi

they wanted was the stone; they'd no use in the world for his body. But there's a lot more in it than that. They want the Professor hi

's a good deal in that, Risle

k that my father has been seized an

am that we are in this r

her might be alive, and possibly could be rescued, was to bring

carried him awa

wonder how much that boat that disappeared from the harbour had to do with it. They might have nailed him,

as smoking thoughtfully. Now he took

e affair, seems very possible," said he. "How many letters did

The one he sent me from Cairo was the f

d were anxious to read it, hoping that he would describe where he had been and what he had been doing? Then, even

bull's eye," remarked Buck. "Th

y when they had read it," cried Jack. "Th

all three pondered over the strange events

e is no chance of such a precious th

consarned thing with my own hands. I had

ted off back to Burmah by a gang who have learned of his wonder

f it, sir,"

s feet and paced

es, Buck," he cried, "

"I'm on at once for a look into

, among wild lands and savage peoples. I know that much. Do you think the Gover

Shans up there, as ready for a scrap as any you ever met. It

st indeed!" repe

y, Mr. Buxton? I know very well it's a long journey on the chance of Buck being right in his suspicions. But so many thin

look into things, anyhow, an' I know more than a bit of that country. I'v

lling to help me. We'll start as soon as possible. Yo

on, "I'll find you all the mon

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