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Jack Haydon's Quest

Chapter 5 THE SPY.

Word Count: 1292    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ked at Mr. Buxton's door. They had been staying at a hotel near at hand, and nothing was said until Jack

row?" said Mr. Buxton


n in surprise. "Have you g

d Buck. "We've

ab is outsi

with a twinkle in his eye

mean to say that you're going to star

"We're going to slip off quietly.

ied Mr. Buxto

a deep interest in us I feel certain. I should venture to

side of the world equipped merely for a s

ittle show as we can make. If we don't, we may find ourselves pulled up mighty soon and mighty sharp. I tell you this is a deep an' cunning gang we've got to fight. An' they'

ll, and when he had shaken hands with them and wished them good luck, they left his rooms, strolled into Chancery Lane,

up and look at this shop window, the

pped, and they stared into a print shop where photogra

hat I can see the street behind us reflected in the glass. Now, come on,

man following us; a stout chap with a double chin and a look like a fat policeman

f the gang?"

se private detectives hired to watch us. Now we've got to thro

," and away trotted the horse. Buck now set himself to keep a watch out of the

that he's our man. It would be a bit too much of a coincidence for him to be outside our hot

u drop him?"

ll use Connaught Mansions. Do you remember its two

ter Gate, which served as Mr. Haydon's London home between his journeys. They had made no use of it during the few d

the address to the driver. He handed up

e remarked. "Wait a quarter of an hour at the door, an

urtyard of Connaught Mansions, and pulled up at the main entrance. Jack and his companio

wn from frequent visits to his father. The question which had plainly been on the porter's lips was at once checked.

of the vestibule. Jack glanced out and saw the stout man passing in his cab. The spy se

lift, and were shot up to the fifth floor. Upon this landing there was one projecting window, which

there he is,"

ng," chuc

r than trees. The spy's cab had taken a sweep round these gardens and was now drawing up on the other side, exactly opposite their cab. As they looked they saw the stout man leave his cab and move to and fro t

"For if our cabman makes a m

," murmured Buck; "but as

movements by ringing for the lift; besides, they were making for the back of the place, where a smaller entrance opened on a quiet side

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