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Captured A Demon's Heart

Captured A Demon's Heart

Author: Gaelly

Chapter 1 Separation

Word Count: 1050    |    Released on: 19/07/2022

e war, an attack by the enemy. Rain poured down mixing with the blood of

talking to another woman who looked frightened. "Please Gracia take care of my daughter, love her

accepted. She is going to grow up with love, I promise you." The weather was cold but the

like you and your family, " Fiona said. Her husband stood there not utt

ning her into a human. She opens a portal, giving her daughter

appeared on their back, they flew back to where th


y blonde hair was tied into a bun. She turned to look at her dau

l, her green eyes staring back at her mother, her dirty blond

to look around the room but she couldn't see her little sister. "I will look for her mama, I am su

ople who were walking around either going home or to work,

ughter who smiled instead of answering her question. Her chestnut brown hair was braide

"Gaia sit with me?" Though she was just three, she could constru

Gracia nodded and went back inside to co

and he had work to do. "Aurelia, come on, pen your mouth," Gracia mutter

rl now." A tired sigh left Gracia's mout

he spoon from mother?" Gaia asked, and she too

. Two maids stood by the corner with a butler waiting

he Butler excused himself and went o

Lady, Selene is the wife of Aaron Payton, she has ink-bl

no respect for the elderly phase but it fazed hi

Taking off the coat from the

ould you like to join them, Lad

ook around the house like she has never

elene followed him though she knew her wa

t to the drawing room to meet their guest

wed her head but not deeply, and

ooks around, spotting a maid who has her

ests." The maid left "How is your home Lad

is OK, your daughters are doing good too." She passed a g

re Lady Selene?" she asked the young girl

m hosting a soiree in my manor." She took

l be there." After talking ab

u?" Gaia asked, looking at her mothe

nd look after your sister." she nodded her head and sm

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