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Captured A Demon's Heart

Chapter 4 Birdy

Word Count: 1013    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

. A huge pool at the center of the bathroom, with a statue of a winged creature with water flowing from its mouth at the end of the pool. A shower at the en

he pool is deep, ending him in his inlet. The pool is m

stop talking about the story Leander read for

ory." Gracia massaged her temple, she could feel the headache

oom, let mama rest." Aurelia happily followed Ga

e giggled but didn't stop. Senior Clifton pla

smart for her age. Give her a few more years and she will turn into a proper lady. Le

rmal like kids her age. She doesn't play, she l

ried all the time when she is not standing next to you or when she is not within your eyesig

t out for work, and Philip the Butl

the back to visit the horses. The groom who noticed the little

at the groom, took some apples which we

to object but the little girl poute

. The groom held her hands and together they entered the stable

"will you teach me how to ride?" she asks the

to ride a horse and how to tame a wild

se you don't know, I can wear my clothes on my own." Maxwell chuckled but didn't say anything. After feeding

self on a flower sucking its nectar when suddenly she he

ken its wings ``What happened to you? how did you fall?" she asked the litt

alth." She carried the blackbird i

er doll heard her sister yell. She rushes to th

ds who heard her scream rushed to

d." Gaia didn't know if she should laugh or

y sighed in relief, this little girl will put them in

," Emily instructed, reaching out to take the bird, A

o buy groceries from the market, accompanied by some maids walked in with bags in his hands, he w

ng?" his voice b

picked up a bird, and she wants to

ructed, Emily and the others collected th

will sleep and never wake up again." Her eyes moi

first aid kit," Philip said, Aurelia happily nodding her head.

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