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Impossible Mates

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 928    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

bothering her but I didn't know what, I don't think I've done any

randomly snapping me out of my tho

she just stops abrupt

chen with your mate," she says well nearly shout

y losing my temper "I was drugged! And all you seem to care about is I left you, if I didn't go to Ryan I don't k

e, it took you long enough" sky ch

was your brother" she shouts which was the last straw

y mate" I shout ripping the bracelet that

wolf for reasons I don't know was also growling. I came to a corner where a few ve

in a suit says holding his arm out prev

even know who they are," I say trying to keep my ange

u! You move out of my way before I do something that you're not

did I saw the two important people staring at me in shock, hope and

them to get home, I was about to

st" I smile kindly at them befor

ourney I was stopped by the im

his voice that made the people around him bow but it didn't affect me, I s

asks, I thought there was like an unspoken rule whe

I smile, I didn't have t

ven more, the man started to h

g between them, I don't know why

ple of years" the man smile

all go through hard times, I better be g

e women finally speak

back before I turn

thought I would be, before I could walk

home crying saying that you had a go at her," he s

passed him and in the house w

roblems out on poor Gabbie," she says

t I'm happy I'm adopted, it means I'm not related to you!" I shout making her

everything that I've been holding in just coming out. A few minutes go by my door slowly opens Ryan popping his h

ere must be something wrong with me�

he says but I just continued t

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