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Impossible Mates

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1520    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

some guy, he sensed I was there and looked up at me his mouth hanging open. I smi

tside hearing the very loud music with a bunch of pe

u look," she says smiling taking a d

w of our friends walk over wishing me a

she says before she turns to talk to

with his hands in his pockets, he didn't look that happy, Gabbie

t'll work, but we need a guy to flirt with you," she says looking

setting mate," Sky says wanting me t

back to her but a guy trying to grab my made me rethink what I just said, " actually m

e, "I say as she starts guiding me through the cro

smiles as we stop near a group of guys

ut Gabbie had a tight grip

me just stare at her totally shocked,

a drink, I was so stupid to take it from

ve never felt like this, the guy from before just kept giving me more and more drinks which just

loor, my body starts doing its own weird thing taking me over to the

," Sky says nicely before leavi

the floor, once he touches me a million sparks flew all o

asks holding me up, he was the only thing

't want to," I say holding tightly onto his t-s

he says wrapping his arm around mine

filling it with water, my head was still spinning at this m

lder as he takes a seat beside me "We're mate

pping his arm around me maki

," I say just saying what was on my mind wha

after you, we'll take one step at a time," he sa

r this conversation" I laugh fe

he last thing I heard him say before I dr

ext mo

y bed Gabbie lying next to me with her mouth wide open. I look over at the bedside table t

om how much you drunk last night, s


a pair of dark ripped shorts with just a plain white t-shirt tucking that into the shorts. I put the bracelet that Gabbie got me on befo

yan in there talking, I send them a little

um asks as she sipped her

at any of them as the phone rang

she probably knew the way I was acting was because of the stuff I found out yesterd

lly wakes up," I say as my father walks in

r and just walks out my mum follows suit as they bot

asks making me look up

r pills you gave me" I smile as

but I didn't have the chance to give it you, wait here I'll just get it," he says before he gets up runni

s back into the kitchen holdi

I slowly open it to see it was a necklace

mark each other, I know you're gonna want to take things slow so this is here so we can take as much time as you want, but othe

ce it was on, I turn the necklace to the other side to see both of

, try taking it off" he smiles, I try but i

t off" he smiles making me

g my arms around his neck

irs making us all apart, Gabbi

" she says before she

following her out the s

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