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Impossible Mates

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1263    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

rface, I open my eyes and soon discover that I'm lying on my bedroo

ing around rubbing my eyes, I thou

decided to push you out of bed" she laughs, ju

ing up off the floor rubbing my arm, I look down to see it wa

ow to feel. For those of you who don't know, when a werewolf turns 16 the

o leave soon" She tells me, walking ou

that thought I start getting ready for school, putting

sort my bed out, I make my way downstairs to see Gabbie talking with my parents.

smile, as I walk throwin

les at me but doesn't go to speak, something is bothering

ing everyone jump from her random outburst, she's

find something quick for breakfast, I decide on a

, but my mum just tenses looking like she was about to th

re walking outside leaving me totally confused "Is she okay?" I ask

e day at school" he smiles, placing a kiss my head before wal

g my yogurt off me walking out, I

her out the door, by the time I made

er parents said if she wants to hang with me on my birthday, she must finish

s waiting inside for you" my dad smiles, while my mum just walks straigh

n, my hunger making me forget what my dad said. I walk past the window when someone catches my eye, I look closer and realise it's my old

the whole three years and now he's turning up out of the blue. I decide to put on an act that I didn't care, cause hopefully that would get to him. I open the

with my arms crossed, this made him jump and t

as I lean up against the w

l annoyed at him, I haven't had the chance to talk to him about it cause he's be

ay" he says, finally forming a sentence, he walk

as he comes to a stop in front of me,

that" he smiles, making a little smile form on my lips, I nev

unding like he was taking deep breaths like he was taking in what I smelt like, I didn't

ere, I was so concentrated on the fact Ryan was back, that

t to him on the sofa after, we finished a

s smiling, as he looks around for the remote, it was like he was

it so much?" I ask, he seems to freeze like he was

yawn it was getting late, he finally finds the remote turning the TV to a random channel "You should get some sle

ad on his shoulder feeling my eyes clos

" he says, as I ful

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