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Crimson Love

Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 1621    |    Released on: 07/06/2022

xposed as a beast thus ruining his chances with Clara. "Gabe, this is my new friend Liam, Liam this is my childhood friend Gabe" Gabe stretched his hands for a handshake and Liam took it relu

ging out with a friend. This puts me on high alert, what friend? Cause as far as I know I am her only Friend, and since am not there with her. Who could that be? Immediately I told her I was coming over I ran as fast as I could to the garden. When I got there I saw some strange guy sitting and chatting with her. Immediately he saw me he became agitated at the fact that I was present, I could feel that he doesn't want me there. What happened next was that when Clara hugged me upon my arrival. I could feel the strange guy developed great hate towards me for no reason. And this infuriated me even more. After he insisted that he wanted to escort Clara back home it made me somewhat uneasy. But we both ended up walking her back to her doorstep after she went inside I couldn't wait to speak my mind and get to the bottom of all this. I needed to know why the hatred, but he denied it all saying "Nothing" 'Nothing huh does he think I am stupid enough to actually believe that?' I had to get to the bottom of this. I mean I never met him and am sure I didn't have any conversations with him before so why the sudden hatred? Where was it coming from? But what he told me was shocking I couldn't possibly believe that. He knew I was a warewolf. And I couldn't sense he was? That means he must be some powerful one. But another revelation was revealed, he said Clara was his mate. I mean my childhood friend is a wolf's mate? I couldn't possibly imagine that Clara has such fate when she is a human. After asking about which pack I belonged and knowing he could trust me, told me to watch over her until he returns. And then he vanished. Leaving me with my thoughts. 'How can Clara be a warewolf's mate?' With thoughts like that Gabe went home. Clara's POV As soon as she entered into the house I ran into my room cause I was feeling somehow weird, I could feel my cheeks getting pinkish at each second. Wait a minute am I blushing? I think I am blushing. Is it because of the way Liam held on to me earlier when I hugged him. Moreover I have this feeling like I have known him for a long time cause I feel drawn to him. And what a lovely hair he has. Wish I could run my hands through them someday soon. It looked so soft and creamy. He must be really taking extremely care of it. Oh what a handsome and cute guy Liam really is. I love his eyes. I am so glad I went to the garden this evening, else I wouldn't have seen him glad I met him again after the party. And since we are now friends then hopefully we will get to see each other more often. Oh no, I didn't get his phone number. How do I contact

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