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Crimson Love

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1056    |    Released on: 07/06/2022

ng time. And this time he won't be attending alone, he will be going with his best and only childhood friend. He drove his car and went to the Cooper's to pick her up. He knocked o

he viewed it as a curse, but now that he was in the midst of the Coopers he viewed it as a blessing. Cause he could see through their hypocritical facade. Just then Olivia came up to him to extort more money from him like she did last night. "Uncle Gabe, give me like a 100 grand, I need to get something from the store nearby" "What about the other one I gave you just yesterday? Don't tell me you have spent it." "I did spend it uncle, when I went for extracurricular activities back in school I had to use it" "Fine then, here you go." "Thank you, you are the best" Olivia said running away to her room. "So what brought you here tonight Gabe?" "I came to take Clara out" "Whoa!! That's great, can I tag along?" Xander asked "Nah its just me and my best friend, maybe next time. Will take you along what do you say?" "Fine then, what else did you bring from your mystery journey? Don't tell me its only cake you got for me" "Here" Gabe handed an envelope to Xander and this made him grin. "Look at you, nice one. Thanks dude" with that said he went out to God knows where. Immediately after xander left Clara came out at last all dressed up in her crop top and crazy Jean trouser, her hair tied up in a bun leaving two thick strangs to fall at each side of her face and her shoe was some high heeled female sneakers to make her a little bit tall in a cute manner. She looked beautiful, very different from who Gabe saw immediately she opened the door earlier. "You look good, Clara" Gabe said. "Thank you, you look good too" Clara said "Okay let's be on our way now, shall we?" Gabe said. "One minute.. Mom, Dad am going out

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