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Crimson Love

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1720    |    Released on: 07/06/2022

My friends have all distance themselves from me just because my husband lost his job 7 months ago. All because I will no longer have any promising sou

oth face the consequences of banishment. This goes to the rest of you (pack) is that clear?" "Yes Alpha" everyone chorused in unison "But Alpha am truly in love with you" Linda said once again "I thought I asked you to shut your tramp? Anyways sorry to burst your bubble but you aren't my mate, someone else is" "What?" This revelation had angered her He turned to leave and she fell and held onto his legs "Alpha no, I love you" She was irritating him now that he roared "Get back into your homes right now. Everyone of you" And so everyone ran into their homes. Some were glad that the Alpha has found his mate. While others like Linda who are in love with him secretly were angry. Liam walked into his room feeling angry from what had happened earlier. "Okay take a deep breath" his beta said. "Still thinking about what those two just did in the public" Liam said "Its called love" Eric said "Speaking of love, I need to claim my mate, but how do I do that?" "First of all you are to make lots of appearances to her, get her to trust you, and see you as a friend" "The thing is isn't she supposed to know am her mate? Thought that's how these things work?" Eric sighs and then said "Liam my friend and buddy, such will only happen if she is one of us and have activated her inner wolf, only then will she be drawn easily to you, but if she hasn't activated her inner wolf, or if she is not one of us it is very unlikely that she would be drawn to you at first sight" "Hmm how come you know about these things and you aren't mated yet?" "Because I am not sure I have a mate and I am not interested in girls at the moment. My job is being your beta, taking care of the pack and being there for you when I am summoned" "I better get on with being acquainted with her then, take care of the pack until I get back" "Oh one more thing, if she isn't one of us, don't scare her off" "Why would I scare my mate off?" "Oh lord, if she isn't one of us, you calling her mate is a weird and bad move to take. Also don't show her your wolf self, she may not know of our existence yet. So don't scare her off else it would be impossible to win her over so easily" "Okay I won't" "Also be mild, loving and caring, girls love those kinds of things from guys. Try to act natural" "Fine, can I go now?" "Yeah but..." "But what?" Liam sounding impatient "Be Safe, if you feel you are in danger. Call on me no matter how far it is I will find you" "Thank you buddy, what would I do without you?" "Truth be told, nothing" They both hugged and bid each other bye, after which alpha liam sped off. Leaving only his beta in charge of the pack until he comes back. ~~~~~~ Sitting in the corner of the room was Clara listening to music after she was done with the day's job. She had just spoken to Gabe an

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