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Secretly Married To A Billionaire

Chapter 6 Home

Word Count: 1998    |    Released on: 27/05/2022


he schedule to have a dinner meeting with Mr. Samson

after I said I would be gone for a week. She even followed me here to

just simpl

ting and just calmly looking at Haezyl. She was obviously

l the papers. She will also take care of other meetings that I will not be a

re at her using

and she knows that I would scold her again when the opportunity arose. Haezyl is can't escape from the time

eir job roles. It will just lead them to be more productive. The large salary that Dad gives them will not be wasted. We

r concerns, you can

er in front of me. I also picked up the other papers that were on my s

e and I want to spend my

been saying for a long time that I should take a break from work for at least a month but I couldn’t do that. There is

gn when I decided to stop first. I looked a

ready 4

it for Tedson because apart from Haezyl, I also have to instruct my personal assistant. They will both

until there was no mo

twisted it around and accidentally slipped my hand so I let go of it and rolled to the far end of the table. But before it could fall

ally smiled

all day every time I saw her face in that frame. That feeling t

She is my definition of streng


ce. He didn't even knock, he just kept going in an

a bas

to sitting in my office chair. I also retu

because he was probably at zero volume. He meant not to hear me. “I'm so

at if he can't come back before 5:30, I will fire hi

t of breath and he didn't waste any more time removing the sling bag h

was now lying down. I will bring home some papers I need to read. Even if I’m on leave,

ght now because I'm leaving. It's not t

t me badly and was staring like he's killing me now in his

ddle of traffic because of fvcking traffic and I almost ran out of a

ring he had experienced again to make me feel guilty. But that doesn

sed the bag and turned to face Tedson. "If you're comp

k. “Who is complaining? Me? I don't think so! ” he laugh

he key to my condo. “If you need papers, they are in my cabinet. Just make sure you open my condo when you get imp

s the son of our family driver but unfortunately, Uncle Elton, Tedson's father, passed away, and like me, he was also orphaned by Mother so my Dad chose to adopt Tedson. We treat each other l

I will just direct my women to my co

at him. “Stupid! There are countles

dsome and attractive. Ma

s hands on the back of the sofa. He was w

, his eyes imme

y A

ents who want to make us their supplier. They need to deliver those vegetables and fruits as soon as possible. Mr. Vela

hat female tiger again. But maybe I shouldn't go with her? Arya ca

r own but I still couldn’t help but worry for Arya to face that old

ings but I know people like me of the world we live

isn't it? Do you want to be one of those who get u

Arya and Tedson also considered his second Father. Dad didn't want any of us to get hurt and he also strictly in

. I'll take care of it and don't wor

ritize your women before work, I will ban you he

d. "Okay

, especially the important documents. I also brought the flash drive where the company

the company to him because like Arya, I also have a lot of trust in Tedson. I

and the people at the Hacienda are the

lready know the course of life I have entered here in Manil

eir own computer and papers being handled. They were afraid to look at me because I m

want them to not focus on work because I wou

met me and I hurriedly entered the car. I placed the bag

that I was ready, h

go home to t

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