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Secretly Married To A Billionaire

Chapter 4 Secret Room

Word Count: 2309    |    Released on: 27/05/2022


" asked the nurse who was currently inspecting my tw

Not unlike last week when I was really

sed since I regaine

so much. I was slowly moving my two arms but my legs, I still couldn't move. Th

f this bed, I couldn't. My le

t based on our observation, your recovery is fast. I won't be surprised if one day, you can walk

alk either. I’m sure that by the time I can

wait for

I didn't complain because they were very careful with every move

re of me, a woman and a man. Their family doctor al

st one, but two nurses! Is he so excited for my fast recovery? Maybe yes? Maybe he wants me to get well as soon as p

ative way. But of course, I'm still scared of him because just the way he looks, obviously you don't lik

ed on what he said, I have to pay for what h

rsonal assistant

not him who had helped me, I probably wouldn't have paid anything be

l assistant whether I don't want to and when I want to. What annoye

ows that I swore to be tha

n case I ran away from him w

ng. Is there any help that

ngrier with

Arya appeared next to the two nurses when t

still stays in the room and still watches over me. Doesn

Ma’am Yannie had already taken her medications in the m

n turned to me. "Do

it's true. I did nothing but lie down, eat and watch mo

rya and she got my

There is no problem because I can sit properly now. The nurse immediately obey

y back so that I could sit on the headboar


ill looks beautiful. She also has a chinita eyes like me, a sharp nose and thin lips. Her complexion is ver

I'm comfortable with Ary

s no longer afraid to feel when they were with me. Because they are nice to me, they still treat

ir Señorito is

entered the room with the wheelchair. He immediately pl

e a hard time because I wasn't heavy. Arya and the other nu

asked, turning around to face me. “Are yo

ine with it

was really kind to me. Ever since I woke up, she has been by my side. Ju

sure it would not be touched or fall. I still can't control my leg

breathe on the v

wo fo

evidence of the super wealth of the family that owns it. With the extra size of thi

view on the veranda w

s pushing the wheelchair because he has enough strength to do that compared to nurse Ria

le wood was used. The walls in the hallway are lined with large paintings, those abstract paintings that look like they were made by a

used because everything is made of wood. I feel like I’m in ancient time

by everyone who liv

this mansion i

s design and view. With every piece of equipment we pass, it’s embarrassing to to

as. On the left side is a round bed lounge chair and a rattan egg hanging chair. There's so many vacant c

gh I can't sit down there right now, I k

ds the railings

looking this veranda. I didn’t know what floor it was, as l

that I thought was the main gate. You can't walk to it because it's so far away. You will probably need to take any kind of vehicle to get

wers. On the right side are vegetables and fruits planted. I see a lot of people and they s

n open ground. That’s wide a

Arya suddenly appeared there. She looked at the beautiful view and my vision returned the

mily is

the luxurious life. Even if they don’t work anymo

ay for that man to help me? The value of

king in Manila? And where are your Boss's parents? Where are his siblings? ”

they would be kinder and let me ‘don’t p

ro. Señora Mila passed away a long time ago and only Señor Alejandr

y what Arya said. It turns out that Señorito Raegan is orpha

r Alejandro?"

a. They run a lot of businesses there so they can't come home here. But that was not a prob

use of one of the richest families in the co

e I'm interested in this topic. I don't know but I feel like I was living here

tting here in a wheelchair for a few mi

room where I was staying. I don’t know but I stopped nurs

tion. There is nothing special about it and t

e was a hint in her voice that

d, still not taking my eyes of

t is strictly forbidden to enter that room. No one tried to

oom. Maybe curiosity about things is rea

me that motivates m

ow what was in

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