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Secretly Married To A Billionaire

Chapter 2 Meet The Arrogant Billionaire

Word Count: 3197    |    Released on: 27/05/2022


dicine this morning," the old w

ya's help to take care of me. I already know the two of them because they were the two people who showed up when I wo

. I won’t be surprised that we fit in this room because it’s so spacious. In fa

when I took them, Arya then took the g

handed her back the empty glass of water

urt. There are many pillows on my back that will support it. My

e asleep. He has already checked you and also

onger know what my condition is? How do I know my true condit

you how I am now or what happened

n't they answer my questions yesterday? I do not believe that t

is the only one who can tell you so just wait for him," Arya explained. "Soon, he will be here s

led m

n need to know what happened from that man? They can

need to wa

at Señori

n? Like hello? This is my body! I hav

ous to know wha

run out of patience. Do I know where I got these scars and wounds? Do I know if

h floor building and jumped there? But I'm not allowed to go to

dding. I think my h

g! Why can't

till enough? I can't even move my foot, my good

le on my ass because of the mi

ook the tray where she put the utensils I used for breakfast. "Arya wil

st n

she had placed my food, Aun

ging the medicines. She reads a paper and c

order is listed on that pap

ing until she stood up and moved

." I calle

e heard when she turned to m

reaction. Isn't

urself to me yeste

ed before I woke up, but it doesn’t mean t

her face. She nodded, a

because Aunt Cora and I introduced

s saying. My voice is weak because I can't open my mouth properly yet.

t is

s directly. "What

find out from

I will get the a

ybe she can answer my questions. She doesn'

happened; I'll keep it a secret and pretend later

seem to work. She swallowed and diverted her gaze from mine. Her

l can't tell you because it's a strict policy in this m

ard for them t

they call Señorito. It see

n't get anything from her either because she

g annoyed wit

nder his control because I am myself, I do not know wh

ll asleep. Look, I'm so full of sleep. I also slept for over ten hours. I think this is

hat Arya is already doing. But just a few minutes later, a loud b

e up to see who h

" said the man who sud

t held a high position here at this house or even in society. His

cute. Yes, he's cute and

on of those two word

at and I will not be difficult to approach because he looks kind and easy to g

urned to me

passed my bed. The look he gave m

thought she was just lying," he whispered. In the tone of

are next to each other. Maybe they

Arya was ready to speak

aegan?" my

is rich so there is a good chance that he is Señ

ons, especially about my condition whi

? Did you say that I'm Señorito Raegan?"

my right

ñorito Raegan,

ed on his appearance so I concl

justing his suit and then adjusted his posture. "You're right." His voice also changed now. He

he was saying because Ar

Arya's beat

orito? Ultimately, everyone will follow his

ed the man on his right arm. "You're taking advantage of her me

you are, always serious. Can you also be serious about

nnoyed. "Can you ple

he man adjusted his collar which added to his confidence. "Don't deny it. I know the


ike I was just not here. They ignored my presence

on cheek which caused me to smile secretly

k good t

He's just Señorito's personal assistant, his name i

es his stubbor

a mistake in my firs

Tedson Ramirez, the handsome personal assistant of Mr. Raegan Brent Ruiz." He emphasize

Raegan because of his looks. Seriously? He's just a personal assist

n this mansion r

e is Señorito

ch other awhile ago and they are comfortable with it. Maybe Arya also has a high position here, but you won't no

two hands on the back of his chair. "I left

ing to give an update to that man while I was lyi

e first to kno

ding next to the sofa w

bad look but the man doesn't act like he is affected. Tedson's smile onl

is still fo

don't they come straight here so I can hear what the Doctor is saying. What? Is he the one who's lying here in bed complaining of pain from the

e shocked by what I said.

ssed but they st

to hit him! He can almost control your movements, that's w

king to me with her gaze. She seemed to b

I'm telling you, I will give

ignal. She's tryin

You can

denly prevailed

earing, he was also wearing a black formal suit. But his looks, v

eyes, even though maybe he didn't look at me on purpose, you could be mistaken that he was killing you in his mind because of his bad look.

at his attractiveness. He's the true definition of handso

rfectly made. His face, as well as his b

ng my whole body. I can feel the awkwardness. I almost covered

Señorito Raegan's assistants? If not, maybe you're a butler? Yo

ard at what I said. He could no longer control himself to ch

d Señorito based on his physique. Even though he looks super rich, I still

ot allow my suspicion to be wrong agai

and avoided that as well. He h

an at


eemingly amused by what was happening. "Do you

tely and he spontaneously bowed when t

ped with just a gl

not Señorito Raegan's personal assistant and

hen, wh

rtunity to answer to

ould be painted on his face. "Now, do it. Yo

to hit him, but I couldn't because I was sta

ge before ha

explain it now? Why is there a man in front of

aiting for my hand to land on his smoot

the bed. "I didn't know that I let

the sea so his voice

m directly. I didn’t let him know

t to let you know the very first commandment you need to follow while you are here. That is to

afraid of the policy he spoke, bu


led me

at my


d from his pocket with a br

shed to the hospital. It's the only t

e gold bracelet

acelet has a daisy flower design. The quality of this bracelet

acelet over, I read


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