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Thornton High

Chapter 3 Orientation

Word Count: 1138    |    Released on: 28/02/2022

voice chants

ting upright I look around the room momentarily forgetting where I am. Then I rem

Springing from the bed I dash to the mirror that is situated on the wall above a study desk. I grip the desk as a rush of dizziness washes over me before looking at myself in the reflected glass. I look like I have be

ifty-five. I don’t have time to ch

arrived. As I get into the lobby and look around. Face palming my hand I feel such an idiot. No one i

ng that the cat dragged in.” I can easily envision Jaya folding her

over. My hearing becomes heightened

into the woods, following the ancient trees until I come to a clearing. Hundreds of people or shoul

ers and lifting my head high I ignore the snickers and whispers that I could clearly hear and look over their heads to see a small Pettie woman standing in the middle of the clearing. Her eyes lock with mine and

n now start.” The woman’s voice echoes all around us, lik

this moment I would. Instead, I ignore the comment s

raining Alpha’s. Now at least five potential Alpha’s from each pack will go through the exte

ive potential Alph

e air the way I would at

woman asks in

nd today I graduate Thornton High. It’s been a pleasure.” I say and

. Therefore, you will be competing to be the Alpha of the New Moon Pack.” I c

he New Moon Pack. I hereby decline the position.” a few giggl

kes a smart ass.” The

but suddenly the woman is in front of me. Her eyes gl

works.” She says thr

woman is making me feel self-conscious this close, I th

like an army of soldiers the st

ring, and I smile with satisfact

and not been noticed.” Jaya reminds me and I sigh. Sh

eye. Its uncanny. I can’t get rid of the feeling that there is something off about her. “That’s because y

e. I am Mrs. Holloway, and I will be your go to person with any problems that may arise.” A few students turn to glance at me, and I sm

off. It gave the added effect she wants as I can feel the chill spreading down my spine. I will fig

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