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Thornton High

Thornton High


Chapter 1 The Message

Word Count: 1090    |    Released on: 28/02/2022

rk. Owls are sensitive creatures. But it wasn’t the Owl’s fault. I knew that. He was just the messenger, of bad news. Still, he’s an easy target to vent off my anger at the sudden news. Shooing him aw

mind to call the Owl back, send him with a message saying, “Fuck off.” I think better of that idea. A target would be

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ou are the daughter of an Alpha you must attend the high school for Alpha’s. If you fail to attend, then by shifter law you will be sentenced to death

eing you Monday morni


dn’t do though. I was living in a hostel for homeless teens. That kind of behaviour would see me thrown out on my rear. Sleeping rough wasn’t something I ever wanted to do again. I’d been here a year now. Well, who cares if I scream? My time in this town has come to an end. My father would have known what to do. He would have got me out of this situation. A pang of sorrow fills my heart. When I was fifteen my father died.

d-beat town. I didn’t have a plan of what I wanted to do after school. College

he world of the supernatural’s. I could feel Jaya’s disappointment. But she didn’t understand the danger we would be in. No one could ever know what we were and attendin

le kitchen I pull up the floorboard and pull out the little money I have saved. Anger wells inside me. That money was for my future. Now I’d have to spend it on a bus ticket, with little left over

at used to say my eyes were the same as my mothers. They bewitched him the moment he investigated them. My crimson red hair hangs loosely over my shoulders in waves. M

to be. In time. Life may have thrown me a curve ball, but that wasn’t new. Dealing with unexpected changes I’ve become accustomed too. Nothing will s

inside me. I’ve become good at separating Jaya’s feelings from my own. It is necessary to keep us both out of harm’s way, I can’t let her feelings corrupt

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