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Thornton High

Chapter 2 Bus Ride

Word Count: 1482    |    Released on: 28/02/2022

I blended in with the shadows. Now and again, I would be pushed, called a freak. Their favourite insult was my name. Ava Addaway. They liked

ndfather’s.” I sigh gloomily, stunning myself with how easily the lie comes

would leave me alone. His sliver grey hair is bold in places. His eyes give me the chills

be?” he asks and m

ow into crinkled slits as he turns awa

wannabe’s doesn’t sit right with me. I can’t let Jaya take over. I can’t shift. If I do

emselves with music while others stare blankly out of the window. I wonder where they are going. What their life was like? Did they know what laid

les. My mother had told me stories about the academy when I was younger. Still

I’m in a large sliver cradle. The movement

accompanies the night. The path at my feet fades into the darkness of the woods. I contemplate taking the long way and staying on the narrow road. But I am tired, and my legs hurt from been cramped on the bus. Sighing I walk towards the dark trees that stand like noble black

dlands always make me want to run free, wild. To become one with nature. Letting Jaya take control at this mo

the distance are serval silhouettes, wolfish shadows. They stand almost statue like. Not moving. Jaya becomes on high alert. Ready to attack if needed. “They will be students.

howl reaches my ears and Jaya practically purrs in delight. Other w

a castle that stands bold and proud under the moons light. Like a child h

d and in aww of the sheer beauty. The courtyard is huge, surrounded by hedges that has sprouted white flowers, with ample stone benches. I can imagine sitting on one of those benches and g

adventure. An adventure that I didn’t seek but would tag along on.

fter a few moments I repeat the motion. Finally, the door opens and a plump lady with beady eyes and a face with more wrinkles than last week’s ironing open

ant to bang my head against the wall, instead I put on my sweetest smile and say

entually says, in a har

he steps a chestnut brown. Down the centre of the stairs is a red carpet like a runner. They are magnificent. The grand en

nd begins leading me up the stairc

on’t answer. She is rude, I mean she hasn’t even offered me her name. plus, the constant muttering of late st

the corridor and presents me with a key, bef

her. She stops but

schedule or so

e key into the door lock. Inside are two twin beds. Each made up with plain white bedding. Two study desks. Two wardrobes and two set of drawers. Clearly, I am sharing a room to my discomfort. Void of any individu

the great hall in just a few short hours. But a quick nap wouldn’t hurt. Right? Jaya was warning me to stay

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