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His Possession: You're mine

Chapter 9 Uncovering the face of the monster

Word Count: 1434    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

h my eyes blindfol

oing, looked at the girl at the oth

indfold" the man instructed. Miss Anna nodded, and obedien

, her eyes fall on the stunning figure si

front of her, isn't this Mr Alexander Hamilton

e lustfully at the man

s h

agazines of him even become a fan of his in the process. The man company was one of the best ranking in the worl

edia influence, it was hard to get a photo of him but she didn't know how Tina did it. That day of seeing his

d by many... The man she had admire secretly in her room back in the days, the man she

handsome to describe. She couldn't help but gaped. Even her fiance loo

s seductiv

o the same man keeping her against her will. The man she had examine to be ugly. The man, she had speak rudely at, was the same Alexander Hami

r face on the ground before their eyes locked. She just c

der Ha

e man in the world, the one she had crush on in the past

a d

he knows even the money her parents was holding him did not remove a drop of sweat from him. This man is loaded

tudy the quietness of the girl

ing?" His husk

a glimpse of his ice cold eyes. There was beautiful but th

kes her want to shrink to

nd scary just like in the photo but not this scary... She wonder if he had ever s

ianca who was cupped in her awkward situation. Quietly

and start chewing not staring a

u like

ts to ask her how the food taste?. When she was hold here against her o

d at her confusedly. Wh

than a dagger glaring at her with deadly gaze, ready to p

sn't up to my taste

little lamb is full of surprises makes he e

her" his cold voice echoed. It almost makes her shrivers but she hold on to herself.

continue eating her meal. But tha

stead of taking over your father company?" The man asked. Supporting his face with his p

she was certainly eager to know was her

ands, drops her fork and did

Bianca. I know you would b

and never set her eyes on him. What stupid word was he saying. Love? She wasn't expecting that at all. She was probably expecting from he to say. 'l


than shocked, she'

keep a woman against her will? A love that sep

husky voice

er fiance before he travels out of the state for a business trip. She haven't told her parents yet about the engagement, she was waiting for him

ight, you just can

t consider her position but adding mo

ttom lip. glaring at the man

you bite lovely on that lip of

e mighty Alexander Hamilton that people respect

eady!" She alarmed but the m

She shows off the ring

er finger. The atmosphere of the room become unbearable for her to breath in just

rd dare eng

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