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His Possession: You're mine

Chapter 6 Bathing

Word Count: 780    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

indfold was taken off by one of the men. Now she can see where she is. The first thing that caught her glimpse, was the surrounding of the flourishing

one said anything to her. They step out igno

oose the company over her. That's one thing that terrified her the most. It's was so unlike them. They have always cherished her loves over all these years. Why now? Why did they abandon her in dark, isn't she important to t

t her parents owned a debt to a man and used her to settle the bill? How would he take it? If only she knew tha

could be a dream she would have woken up from it instantly and washed her

en. She lift her head and saw the previous maid wit

on her face. Also with the other maids who put on a serious face. Bianca's tears were still rolling down

dvised but the girl's mind had already been made up there's no way she's going to have dinner with him. What language do the maids understand when she told them she's isn't going anywhere! She wondered. Since the girl wasn't making any move

the orders of the head maid, they undressed her and place her on the warm water

ho came across a shelter and asked to be cleaned. After bathing h

expensive gowns, sparkling shoes, and jewelry laying on top

he clothes and back to the maids stand

ed and snaps her fingers. Immediately, the other maids starts getting her p

"Did your master also choose the pant and bra I'm

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