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His Possession: You're mine

Chapter 5 Don't leave me

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

is for the betterment of the family. Yo

to her? Her eyes were blindfolded ever since they step into the mansion. She

never wants to stay! Not with a man who's she doesn't know and irritated her! Why can't her parents see this!

m time to time. You don't need to be afraid o

ter.? Although her eyes were blindfolded that didn't mean she won't hate

ay?" Her mother added and touched he

n't the man but one of his men standing in the room waiting for the parents t

the man and hurry up to hug th

ut her parents are hopeless. The deal has been done and no turning back on it. They

tsteps of her parents in the room again. The room became silent like

take it off. Now, they're gone she's still scared to. After a few minutes, she heard loud footstep

ther voice, the one that command her parents out a few minutes ago. Bef

nts ain't there, there is no one to save her. No one! She tried to fig

" the man's voice warned her. It seems true no matter how hard she fights sh

hell are they taking her to? She thought to herself. As the

e off my b

hould keep it on until you're told to" the man said politely

es of walking,

he man said and bowed his

cally on a black couch, checking on

oman before him. Immediately one of the men left and returned wit

he greeted

. Bianca who have kept quiet for some time because she hadn't heard the voi

scumbag!" She keeps on calling him names. The unknown man stopped the pen

u just say?"

ately bowed down their heads. Because th

devilishly at the woman as his eyes were fiery. He reclined

my sight!" He command harshly and the men immediately

ably on the co

to make a g


lindfold was taken off by one of the men. Now she can see where she is. The first thing that caught her gaze was the surrounding of the flourishing r

one said a word to her. They step out ignori

tupid boss, he can't

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