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Tales of a Unicorn Ranger

Chapter 6 : The First Kill

Word Count: 1394    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

land. Surrounded by trees, this little patch of meadow was filled with flowing grass and littl

ugh it. What it was he did not know, but he found himself stalking towards it. Knife at the ready, his knees pushed through the rough grass

reature he was tracking was of decent size. Around the size of a medium-sized dog, maybe a bit lar

ment trail started again, heading toward away from him at first before it suddenly ch

him. Hearing an ugly squeal that reminded him of a pig, it didn’t take him long for his torso to come into contact with someth

dragged across the field, his legs coming into uncomfortable contact with rocks

s face. But by the time he did, he had completely lost track of where of he was. They

that felt like mixture between wire and fur. Then before he had time to get a grip on that, he was being pulled down again. He went

irt, allowing him to see the face of what appeared to be a green boar. One with a frantic look in its eyes and a set of sturdy-looking tusks. They were not especially large, but it enough to cause him consi

feet, he winced as he realized that the attack from before granted him a bruise. A minor inconvenience. He m

ely imposing itself in the boar’s path, it caused the giant swine to almost trip on its own feet and change direction in an effort to get around. But regardless of where it tried to run, it would often get intercepted by a pair of giant hooves. It was almost comical.

eap into the tall grass, Alexander saw the shifting grass turn back towards him as the boar l

But the boar taking initiative was not something he was expecting. Taking a headbutt to his chest, Alexnader found h

himself closer to the pig’s head. He did so after a few seconds of effort, eagerly

f and immediately stabbed inwards at the neck juncture. If his aim was right, this should hit its heart or some other major organ. But just

was not red like he expected, but clear and giving off a green sheen in the light. But it was still sickeningly tepid, and

on placidly before it bent his head to chew on a patch of grass. It didn’t seem the least bit concerned

egan to set in. It was while he was in this line of thought that he spotted a tell-tale shimmer danc

e his curiosity when he looked at its stats. STR: 3, DEF: 4, SPD: 4...His eyes wandered to the part that said “SPECIES”. In a feeling

ntal note to carry reflective surface on him. The water, a mirror, and now blood....it seemed any reflective surface could show him stat information so long as he wonde

base of the corpse’s belly, only pausing when he noticed the unicorn’s head popping up expectedly

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