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Tales of a Unicorn Ranger

Chapter 3 : I'm a Criminal

Word Count: 2370    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

is hands were as still as humanly possible as he frantically thought through his options. He doubted he could run away from

growled, taking one gur

ven think of a new name yet! “I’m

asy to remember, and was a def

pit appearance. “One would hardly think a criminal of your caliber would be found like this...but you still have to answer for your crimes.” Her sword lowered slightly as she took

of his mouth before he co

leared her throat before she spoke slowly, clearly enunciating each word so that he may understand. “You stand accused of several high crimes. All tied to the murder of several high priests in druidic monastery located near Irdelios. Yo

ou may have. I have a responsibility to make sure that you arrive in sound body and mind so that you may plead your case. Now hurry up, I don’t want to be in this

al, dunk yourself! Ugh!” She scanned the surface of the water thoroughly, almost as if she was searching for

before it was pushed back over his head. If he didn’t smell like a wet do

ed out the moisture, wading through a few ambient twigs

rugged apologetically, but all she di

s pretty sure his dagger was lost in the woods somewhere

rt.” She flicked her eyes downward and cocked her head to th

, he just thought it was a fashion statement. But it seems that was not the case. They were really small, barely the size of his middle finger. But they were situated closer

“I uh....what’s your name again?” He patted his

o see the woman giving him a dumbfounded stare. “My name is Janesca. A paladin of

he found himself looking down to realize that she had given him a brutal palm strike with her open fi

e attachment herself. “I do not know what is wrong with you or if this is j

them a firm shake, a thin dart came falling out. Same with his other boot, which Janesca took of

t he didn’t even know existed. She fished out all manner of tools. Caltrops, throwing stars, pac

im with an inquisitive stare. “Did you accidentally poison yourself with one of these?” She held up one

ow many opportunities he missed out on just because he wasn’t aware of his full invent

y presence may account for your peculiar attitude, but forgett

me? I had a hard time

You weren’t struggling to remember anything, you

ps. It's not like she w

did so. “Stay put. Since you can’t move for a while, we’ll

returning with a mirror, which she promptly shoved in h

“I want to see just how truthful you

natural, and for a second before Janesca pulled it away, he saw the gh

sure that she wasn’t frowning at her own reflection. Why would she? She

looked back at him. Then she looked at the mirror again before looking back towards his restr

ed his arm roughly, forcefully sitting him up. “Do you have a twin?

plainly. “I am

n, groaning. “Did you ingest

ast, I don’t think so. I have been eating a

ain, her face steadily showing more and more signs

lf. “No, no. That couldn’t be it. If that was the

er hair. “Even with the curse taken into account, this

giving her a sympathetic look. She had no idea what she was dealing with. Which was

ese skills are high enough to make you a decent assassin. By the gods, you probably

mirror up towards his eyes. “And you don’t have a class! Something that is only supposed to happen with small ch

from him, and Alexader foun

al traits like that.” She argued, l

. “So...Does this mean you will le

ging noise as she suddenly turned to him. “No.

dly. “If I can’t even fight a “grassland ridgeback”, which I am assum

don’t know exactly what it’s made of or even what tier it is, but it’s clear it is strong enough to absorb most of the impact from my palm strike attack. Otherwise, you’d be out col

l of those poisons, weapons, and high-tier healing potions and not have the skills to use them?” She threw up her arms. “I’d even be willing to believ

mirror, everything points to you being the Assassin of Irdelios. But this—” She lowered the offen

g happened other than getting dirt on his drenched pants. “Then isn’t that a reason why you should let m

ld know. The mirror would tell me of all negative of debilitating affects you have endured for the

urse” she mentioned. “What

gaunt face one more time, and the first signs of sympathy began to appear on her face. “But given your appearance, and the negative modifiers, I think it

found his tongue getting stuck in his throat as his eyes f

e that was staring at them from just beyond the tree line. Shining like snow and with a beaut

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