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Tales of a Unicorn Ranger

Chapter 4 : A Sighting

Word Count: 2226    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

nally as insects tried to land on it. But it was most certainly looking at them, even bo

over her face. “Don

s he turned his attention back to the female paladin. “Sorry

und conventionally, we will settle with these.” She reached behind her waist and brought out a pair of cuff

ly, intrigued by the bright object. Alexander made a note of that as he made

tended the other cuff towards him. “Given your poor state I doubt you can escape it. It will also allow you to sleep far away from me when we go to sleep.” She wrinkled her nose, and Alexander suddenly found himself remembering that he smelled hor

t as far away as possible when we go to sleep.” She muttered. She turned around, likely to get some distance f

ickly. It was only the rush of white and the sound of hooves rushing away that confirmed that it

stood, she found herself walking a few steps to the side as she looked at the sky. Bringing her fingers to her lips, she bl

ime at all for a maple-colored horse to approach the armored paladin. Complete with a saddle

will have to make do with an extra blanket. I will also be generous and allow you to sit by the fire for a few hours. I’ll give you wate

. Compared what he could be experiencing right now, it wasn’t that bad of a place to be. All he had to do was escape her somehow before they reached

al from her already. “So where exactl

claim not to have—is truly astounding.” was her sour reply. “That said, Irdelios is a city to the far west. It is a city defined by its lush vegetation and towering tree

at the familiar name

spared a glance at his sitting figure, and raised an eyebrow. “And since the stun effect of my attack has worn

him, she immediately turned her back on him. Her confidence that he wa

ager to anger his meal ticket. After taking a glance at the darkening sky, he found himself rising on weak

stick out like a sore thumb in all this green. Finding nothing, Alexander found himself g

, but he was pretty sure he also implied that unicorns were normally rare. That he was “lucky” to e

cuff. It was thin and radiant, glowing with a yellow vibrancy that felt exceptionally light when he tried to lift it. Bringing both of

ongside its length, and so on. It automatically shortened and lengthened depending on who moved, obviously, but he also noticed that interacted physically with the world. By w

With that in mind he picked up a nearby piece of deadwood, fully intending to pick up any large bits of wood and

e. Too close. Like frightened animal, Alexander turned, fully expecting to see Janesca trying to strike him ag

lexander would have screamed if he wasn’t so surprised. But that didn’t stop

t looked at the man before it. To say that Alexander was floor at being thi

ded why the beast was often associated with princesses, royalty, and the like. It seemed too pure for this world.

g to every god in existence that his smell was at least bearable now. One of its hooves smacked the ground agitatedly, like it wasn’t s

, the perfect opportunity to stare at its hind quarters and hooves. He honestly expected the tail to be filled with some bits of debris, dir

he glaring lack of obvious imperfection has him frowning slightly. Unicorns were known for the beauty, yes, but their real valued qualities c

ess in mind. It seemed overly docile. Even as it unsuccessfully pawed at the light string, it looked overly demure. As it stood, the only thing that real

the line a tug, which no doubt caught the attentio

again, man.” He still held out hope that it had impr

he unicorn stomped on it with one of its hooves, the impact so effe

om where it was severed. It made no sound, and it was light to begin with. If Janesca wasn’t paying a

st a free meal. Still, what was that say

ppose you h

oise as it prepared for some sort of sprint. But even Alexande

the side as dashed through the tree line and made a beeline to the camp site. She had barely begun to set up, it seemed, w

ver discipline it was trained with vanished when it reared itself on its hind legs, feigning an imminent attack,

ched the spectacle. Although for Janesca it was probably more lik

nesca continued to remain stunned, Alexander found h

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